View Full Version : Anxiety about seeing death

04-12-2013, 03:16 AM
Hi all. I'm new here and this is my first post. I'm not really sure how to compose my message clearly, so it might look like a bunch of ramblings, I apologize ahead of time :(
I have severe anxiety issues that are currently undiagnosed, and I'm going through a very rough time. It's been a rough few months for me, and I'm beginning to fear death. Not necessarily dying itself, but other people/animals dying around me. A friend committed suicide in early February, an older friend of the family passed away at the end of February, and I also had a kitten pass away last month. What I'm afraid of is another person or animal dying that have some sort of connection to my life. I stress about this everyday, and sometimes if I suspect a loud noise in my house, I'm afraid to run and check to see if it was any of my pets. I witnessed the death of my kitten and it was the most scarring thing that I have witnessed in a long time. I immediately panicked and could not focus on anything else around me because I felt freaked out about the fact that it had died right in front of me :( I'm not sure why I'm getting this intense feelings of fear. I'm terrified and I can't even sleep well at night because I guess I just panic by thinking about negative things in my life.

04-12-2013, 04:34 AM
Sounds like you have had lots of sad things happen to you recently all connected to death, so natural that you will be worried about it.

04-14-2013, 10:50 AM
I can totally relate to how you feel because I believe death is what triggered my lifelong battle with anxiety. After my uncle passed when I was younger I started to worry about other people dying all of the time. I never wanted to leave my mom because I thought she would die. She would take to school and the whole time at school I would have images in my head that she got in a car accident or something happened to her. When death happens around us it does triggered alot of anxiety because someone dying that we care about is not something that we want. Its something hard to accept but yes with the recent events that have occurred in your life you are feeling this way. I hope you come to some peace soon.

04-14-2013, 04:40 PM
Sounds like you have trauma related anxiety, there are thereapies that can be really effective for that kind of anxiety. When you get rid of the thing that's traumatizing you (in your case, seeing death), your anxiety can just dissapear. My cousin witnessed an accident when she was in africa on an exchange program, she strated waking up screaming every night after. She started getting brainwave theropy, which helped erase the trauma causing her anxiety. She no longer has the fear she used to.

04-21-2013, 10:37 AM
I witnessed my mom die and my 5 year old seen it as well. I kept all those feelings buried until more people close to me started dying. I think it was the true root of my paralyzing anxiety and absolute fear of death. Please give advice on how to make this nightmare go away. I just want to live life to the fullest and be grateful for each day God has blessed me with. I'm so sick of worrying about dying. Sorry if I jumped in on the conversation, just need some advice