View Full Version : Just woke up in panic attack

04-12-2013, 12:12 AM
I woke up with intense fear having a panic attack! I hate this. Now I can't go back to sleep

04-12-2013, 12:16 AM
I'm in the same boat. It's been off an on all night . And I'm out of Meds and see my doctor Monday. I've been listening to relaxing music, self hypnosis... Omg my hubby is snoring like a chainsaw !! If you have a smart phone search anti anxiety apps. Taking helps too :)

04-12-2013, 12:18 AM
I have the Glenn Harold app but its not helping. Do you know of any good ones?

04-12-2013, 12:26 AM
I have a self hypnosis app I like called 'anxiety free' and I have a ' no anxiety' app that has relaxing music and you can touch the screen to move the lights around. This forum helps too. Meds are always the most effective but I keep trying other methods so I don't rely on them my whole life. ( plus I have an addictive personality so I need to self check myself and try to avoid substances period to stay on track).

04-12-2013, 12:31 AM
Also google help, crisis and health lines in your Area if you NEED to talk to someone. I find 90% of the time in talk to someone who is helpful... And helps Reduce my panic/ anxiety. I personably find in my attacks I prefer to talk to strangers... My close family and friends I don't want to burden... Unless its so bad and I can only have them to help me. I hate feeling helpless and hate putting any pressure on those who are close. I'm kinda stubborn like that.

04-12-2013, 12:35 AM
I have xanax that I had to take but it didn't help! I will look into those apps. This anxiety is driving me crazy! It went away for years but came back in full force not sure what triggered it. I tried to take zoloft but the side effects were horrible and made it worse.

04-12-2013, 12:41 AM
Oh yes I do the same. I call my mom she the only one who really understand even tho she doesn't have it, but talking to her helps me. I didn't know they had someone you can call like that. That's good to know;) talking on here has helped a little with people who understand what I'm going thru. People think its all in my head and I can just get over it! I wish it was that easy!!

04-12-2013, 12:44 AM
Do this next time:


04-12-2013, 12:54 AM
I will try it but EVERYTIME I think I'm having a heart attack or stroke and I can't breathe and I totally freak out. I will try this method and hopefully it will work

04-12-2013, 01:12 AM
Do what helps!! As long as its not harmful... Ugh but that's hit and miss. My recent increase in anxiety has led to cutting again... But it's purely for the feeling of pain and seeing blood. I've done it on my thighs so its so discreet. Oddly it helps me... But I DON'T RECOMMEND OR CONDONE IT... To begin with I like a bit of pain.. But still feel horrible in a way that I have resorted to self harm again. I even got creative and made an X on my ankle.

04-12-2013, 01:36 AM
I will try it but EVERYTIME I think I'm having a heart attack or stroke and I can't breathe and I totally freak out. I will try this method and hopefully it will work

It's a bluff! Get it through your head! You are being bluffed! It's tricking you. Do not fall for the trick. It's bluffing you. Lay still, relax all your muscles and let is pass over you. Anxiety is bullshit!

04-12-2013, 01:52 AM
It's a bluff! Get it through your head! You are being bluffed! It's tricking you. Do not fall for the trick. It's bluffing you. Lay still, relax all your muscles and let is pass over you. Anxiety is bullshit!

^^^^ very stong 👍👌

04-12-2013, 02:17 AM
It's real... Fight it!!

04-12-2013, 02:18 AM
Screw it.. You are Stronger!

04-12-2013, 02:32 AM
Hope you have got yourself out of it now - remember panic attacks usually come from worry about irrational things. Try think about something good and positive to make day better, or try meditation for few minutes to calm down.

04-12-2013, 02:36 AM
Fight what? There is nothing to fight. Let it go and let it pass. All of you need to get this deeply engrained in your heads that you are being bluffed and you need to save yourselves.

04-12-2013, 03:03 AM
I disagree... I look at it as overcoming an obstacle. There area many obstacles in life. This is one... Fight and win

04-12-2013, 04:02 AM
I agree an obstacle and need to be strong to overcome it. Also agree it is just in our heads and anxiety not real but fear from irrational worries of what might happen. But even knowing this, we do have to be strong to overcome the anxiety and panic.

04-12-2013, 04:10 AM
I disagree... I look at it as overcoming an obstacle. There area many obstacles in life. This is one... Fight and win

Disagree with me all you want. I had panic attacks all the time and now I do not. I cured it and I am telling you guys how to do it. You would be wise to follow my advice. Unless you cured it. If not, you should at least try what I am saying. It won't hurt you to try my methods. I don't know what you are fighting. You are overcoming. How are you going to fight a panic attack? Claire Weekes said "Don't add 2nd fear." That to me isn't fighting. Using your will to overcome the anxiety I don't see as fighting but being strong and determined. But the panic attack loses it's power when you give it no power and let it wash over you.

04-12-2013, 04:20 AM
Think we are not disagreeing, just saying need to learn to be strong to face anxiety and irrational fears and then will be able to handle panic attacks. Don't think your style of aggressiveness in how you are writing Panic Cured is going to help any of us feel better or make us want to listen to you more.

04-12-2013, 07:56 AM
I don't think panic attacks are ever "cured" symptoms may disappear a few years but once something triggers it they are back

04-12-2013, 09:26 AM
How did u cure ur self? I would like 2no may b I ca cure my anxiety

04-12-2013, 09:36 AM
If I'm been honest I also dnt agree that they can be cured .... I agree things can get better , I go thru ok stages then I've had really bad times, but its always there and I sort ov live around it as in , there are certain things I won't do etc ........ I think it's diff for example , if u haven't had panic disorder for a long time then its easier to wrk with that person and the panic , but for pple like me and its bin most ov my life and all that I knw since childhood then its more difficult ( this is also what psychologist sed aswel ) but if u are completely free frm it then that's great but everyone is diff and pple struggle with diff things and the way that they are able to cope/ handle situations etc :-)

04-12-2013, 09:46 AM
I m not free from panic disorders at all

I get panic attacks that would last for days
My main fear is falling ill and eventually end up in hospital
The second is death
These could b triggered by anything simple such as the Macmillan ads ( if u r from d uk u would no wot I m talkin about )
2 even d death of the Iron Lady
Ridiculous I no but it s real

04-12-2013, 10:30 AM
I m not free from panic disorders at all

I get panic attacks that would last for days
My main fear is falling ill and eventually end up in hospital
The second is death
These could b triggered by anything simple such as the Macmillan ads ( if u r from d uk u would no wot I m talkin about )
2 even d death of the Iron Lady
Ridiculous I no but it s real

Yep ... I knw the adverts yr talkin bowt ...

04-12-2013, 10:53 AM
C my anxiety sit on a solid concrete event which kind of make any feeling or sensation or thought real
The thing is I went through a traumatic experience last sep that almost costed my life
The funny part is wen it all started I went 2 A&E and I was told it s a chest infection and it was not jus bcoz the GP I saw could not b bothered 2 send me 4 an X-ray
All she done giving me 7 days course of amoxicillin wen my lung was collapsed ( the lung deflated due 2 an air leek bcoz I had 3 big sists in my lung and 1 of dem ruptured in the plane in d way back home)
I m jus givin u an insite of wot I went through and wot makes the anxiety thoughts more credible 2 me than vain

04-12-2013, 01:51 PM
I don't think panic attacks are ever "cured" symptoms may disappear a few years but once something triggers it they are back

Where do you guys get these ideas from? This is just not true! There are people who have been cured of cancer and of serious life-threatening diseases, but you don't think people can be cured of anxiety?

The problem is doctor's do not get it! You go to your doctor thinking he can save you with pills but he can't. He can only offer temporary fixes. You have to save yourself.

Some of you clearly have the absolute wrong attitude and it is blocking your progress. Notice the people here who overcome this behavioral disorder called, anxiety. They all have strong will and determination and don't say things like there is no cure. The cures are just not always conventional and are a summary of many things you do to heal yourself. I was reducing my breathing doing the Buteyko stuff to where I was breathing so lightly you cold barely see me breathe. Any doctor would have laughed at me, but it surely helped me.

Panic Attack- Natural Fight or Flight response. Problem- It can be triggered in you at the inappropriate times and too easily. Cure- heal that part of you that triggers it at inappropriate times physically and mentally. It all starts in your mind. You are making your problem worse. All of you are making it worse. At least, first stop making it worse.

04-12-2013, 02:09 PM
I no it all starts in ur mind but whenever I get a sensation I try 2 convince my self that it s all in my mind but sumthin reminds me that u thought the same b4 and it turned out 2 b very serious
I don't no wot 2 do but I keep on reflecting on the previous experience
I jus cant 4get wot happened
I wish I could erase that painful memory of my mind and b the old me again

04-12-2013, 03:42 PM
I no it all starts in ur mind but whenever I get a sensation I try 2 convince my self that it s all in my mind but sumthin reminds me that u thought the same b4 and it turned out 2 b very serious
I don't no wot 2 do but I keep on reflecting on the previous experience
I jus cant 4get wot happened
I wish I could erase that painful memory of my mind and b the old me again

No it isn't that it is all in your mind. Your heart is really racing and you are really feeling those sensations. It isn't imaginary. But why are you feeling these sensations? Are they the cause or the result? Everyone here is so obsessed on the symptoms instead of looking at what is causing these symptoms. Anxiety is not te cause, anxiety is the manifestation or the result of a deeper cause or causes. Read my 3 threads above in the stickies.

04-12-2013, 04:16 PM
I no the feelings are real but they re also a manifestation of our thoughts
So the point is if u can control ur thoughts which include worries fears etc the physical sensations will vanish
I m having trouble in bringing these ideas to practice
I can t block any negative thoughts bcoz they re not goin anywhere
I m not brave enough to go with flow and let d negative thoughts jus pass
I tried few techniques but it didn't do the trick
Either they were not gud enough or I don't av d patience needed 2 get through this as I m always striving 4 quick results

04-12-2013, 05:04 PM
U r absolutely rite it s not something that would go away over night
I do feel alone in this as no1 understands apart from my therapist who her self went through anxiety and depression b4 becoming a therapist
According 2 her I ve come a long way since the first time I met her
But I m bit selfish I don't want small gradual improvement I want it all and I want it now
I like this site pretty much at least I get 2 express how I feel without being intimidated or feeling like an idiot
I read threads about people who have been suffering 4 years and I think 2 myself they must b pretty strong humans
I was diagnosed last oct about 7 months ago and I already can't handle it
My 6 years old daughter would hug and comfort me don't cry mummy u r fine
My 2 years is chasing me everywhere bcoz he wants my attention but my attention is drawn away
This anxiety is destroying everything including my
little kids

04-12-2013, 07:43 PM
Forwellis is spot on. He is right. There is no fight. You let it go. And you heal little by little. I honestly have trouble fully remembering what a panic attack felt like. The only way I could ever get one again is if I was on some type of drug like getting super stoned or something where you are so high it's crazy. Maybe on an airplane in massive turbulence in a lightning storm or something, that would freak me out. Sober in normal circumstances, I don't think it will ever happen to me again. And if it does, I will just relax and let it pass so in 3 minutes it would be gone.

I don't get this line of thinking: When bad stuff happens to you in your life to you just throw you hands up in the air and say oh well? When I encounter bad situations I try and make it better. I don't just give up and say this is how my life is. If you lose your job, do you just say forget it, I will never work again or do you try and get a new job? So if you have anxiety, wouldn't you just try and do what you can to get better?

MC- Download this book and read it:


04-12-2013, 07:48 PM
I think we have to accept that our experience of anxiety and depression is all individual to us. So what works for one person might not work for another. We have all been taught ways to overcome anxiety and panic attacks either with or without tablets, but sometimes when in middle of really bad time it is not easy to put into practice what have been taught. You have to think yourself lucky if think you are cured, but have to accept that it might always be an uphill battle for some people,.

04-12-2013, 09:41 PM
I think we have to accept that our experience of anxiety and depression is all individual to us. So what works for one person might not work for another. We have all been taught ways to overcome anxiety and panic attacks either with or without tablets, but sometimes when in middle of really bad time it is not easy to put into practice what have been taught. You have to think yourself lucky if think you are cured, but have to accept that it might always be an uphill battle for some people,.

I am not lucky. I just did the necessary steps to get better that everyone who is suffering from simply anxiety can do and also get better and didn't tell people who tried to help me they were wrong and I knew better.

Change your focus to doing what you need to do to cure anxiety instead of how you have some crazy disease that you are stuck with and only lucky people can be cured.

04-13-2013, 12:34 AM

I am not having a go at you but you know the worse thing you can do is try and get yourself out of panic . You wont do it because that is the nature of it , it has to run its course .

This is what i see is the problem with most people trying to recover. When its better they stop.

Anxiety is a level .Stress , High anxiety and then panic .

You have to do the things when you feel better in order to stop those levels getting that high in the first place .

It is all about a system on high . This system reacts fast . But a normal system placed under the same stress reacts slower and can be bought down faster .

Again trying to pull yourself out of anxiety will not work . Do the work to reduce the stress and the anxiety fades away . Thinking is but a very very small part of this .

04-13-2013, 01:01 AM
I've got that download and fair Enuff I havnt read it all yet but I've read many things etc over the last 20+ years and just understanding about panic etc doesnt get rid ov it ( it may help ) but it will always be there.

04-13-2013, 01:17 AM
Forwells, I don't think you are having a go, I think we are actually saying the same thing.
We are all individuals and we know that anxiety is based on false fears and this causes panic attacks but how we get better from anxiety and panic attacks depends on us as individuals as to what works best for us, either reading and knowledge, or medication.
I just think that on this Forum it is good to give people your advice and opinion because it might help some people, but I do not think that posts like Panic Cured posted, saying that you were crazy to think you could not stop panic attacks and his aggressive style of expecting us to accept the way he thinks he was cured, is not the way we should be giving help on this forum.

04-13-2013, 02:10 AM
I talked about fighting anxiety as not giving in... An for anxiety often there are underlying reasons why they occur. What worked for you may not work for others. For eg my anxiety and panic stem from a very traumatic and abusive experience I went through as a young adult. I have PTSD from that, where depression, anxiety and panic came from too. I've been OCD since I was a kid. As much as I've worked to overcome this negative experience some things about it stay. I hate my anxiety and panic because I hate what I went through. And also just because you feel you beat panic or are cured.. Doesn't make it right to preach to us? Do you have your doctorate? Psychology degree? Counseling degree/diploma? Any professional experience in this field? I will guess no. Guess what I do. It's not black and white... Cut and dry. We all need to find our own path to healing. Some of us may take longer. Our reasons for our symptoms vary... So to insinuate you can heal us ' panic cured'... Is ignorant and insulting.
Just my two cents... Ok maybe more.

04-13-2013, 02:44 AM
Tell me one thing I said you don't agree with? Or do you even know or you just want to cut me down to prove something to yourself? Read any book on anxiety, talk to any specialist, and they all say mostly the same thing, which is what I am saying. It is what Forwellis is saying. But you guys just want to disagree to prove that you are disabled. Sorry but you aren't disabled. Instead of wasting time arguing with me, why not try and help yourself? I have helped so many people here it's not even funny by simply pointing them in the right direction so they can them help themselves by various means. Reading a book on anxiety and practicing what you read are 2 different things. So what is it I said you don't agree with? Oh my tone? You don't like my tone. Carry on doing what you've been doing since you know best, right?

You would probably like me more if I told you that you have a life long disease that you can't cure. Your anxiety is due to having bad luck and being dealt a bad hand, and you suffer, like me, I suffer everyday and I hate my life, so you should hate your life too. Hey, let's all hate our lives together. I can't leave my home and neither can you? hey that's great. Lets be miserable together. I can't be helped. Neither can you. Anxiety sucks and our lives need to be controlled by it and if anyone tells you that you can be cured we should bully them to the ground. Everyone who says we can overcome this is wrong because we can't be helped like those who have been helped, we are different. We have it worse.

I am sure if I said that you would like me. Sorry, but that is just the wrong way to look at it. Hey, it's your life. You create your reality. If you want to suffer than you have the freedom to do so. Lots of other people want to get better and do not just throw n the towel. Don't listen to me. Talk to all the other people here who cured their anxiety and ask them how they did it. Not so many differences.

Good luck!

04-13-2013, 03:35 AM
I think that it is a shame Panic Cured that you are not listening to what we are saying, even MC and Forwells are saying the same as the rest of us, that we are all willing and trying to get better and do not just sit back and accept it and want anyone's sympathy. But we all get better at different speeds and in different ways, and in some cases some poor people never get cured because of past circumstances. So even though you have been cured, well done you, but we are all just trying to encourage each other to try anything we have been shown or given to try and help us with panic attacks and will try to get rid of them even if it takes a long time to do so.

04-13-2013, 03:36 AM
Sometimes u don't need a degree to no better dan a professional
Experience teach u much more than studies
I don't mind using ur tips on how u fought anxiety
If they work I ll b so grateful to u if they don't at least I tried
Plz don't give up bcoz der r a lot of people out der like me who asked d professionals ( doctors therapist etc) 4 help but they didn't have a clue
Do u no why? Bcoz dey don't no wot it is ?how it feel ?wot it does 2 u?
All they no is wot they learnt on paper

04-13-2013, 04:06 AM
I think u guys are forgetting that this thread was made by someone asking for help... this thread is 5 pages - on my app anyways - & all it is, is u guys back & forth arguing. Everyone has different views. Thats great. No one is the same. No ones anxiety is EXACTLY the same. U may have the same symptoms & thoughts but u are 2 different minds in 2 different bodies with different defence techniques, different triggers.
The point of these forums is to help each other & give advice. Not try prove another wrong. We are all in the same boat, so lets all paddle together ! ♥ q

04-13-2013, 04:11 AM
Thank u jesika

04-13-2013, 04:45 AM
Tell me one thing I said you don't agree with? Or do you even know or you just want to cut me down to prove something to yourself? Read any book on anxiety, talk to any specialist, and they all say mostly the same thing, which is what I am saying. It is what Forwellis is saying. But you guys just want to disagree to prove that you are disabled. Sorry but you aren't disabled. Instead of wasting time arguing with me, why not try and help yourself? I have helped so many people here it's not even funny by simply pointing them in the right direction so they can them help themselves by various means. Reading a book on anxiety and practicing what you read are 2 different things. So what is it I said you don't agree with? Oh my tone? You don't like my tone. Carry on doing what you've been doing since you know best, right?

You would probably like me more if I told you that you have a life long disease that you can't cure. Your anxiety is due to having bad luck and being dealt a bad hand, and you suffer, like me, I suffer everyday and I hate my life, so you should hate your life too. Hey, let's all hate our lives together. I can't leave my home and neither can you? hey that's great. Lets be miserable together. I can't be helped. Neither can you. Anxiety sucks and our lives need to be controlled by it and if anyone tells you that you can be cured we should bully them to the ground. Everyone who says we can overcome this is wrong because we can't be helped like those who have been helped, we are different. We have it worse.

I am sure if I said that you would like me. Sorry, but that is just the wrong way to look at it. Hey, it's your life. You create your reality. If you want to suffer than you have the freedom to do so. Lots of other people want to get better and do not just throw n the towel. Don't listen to me. Talk to all the other people here who cured their anxiety and ask them how they did it. Not so many differences.

Good luck!

No one is disagreeing with you. We all express ourselves differently and some people may come across as forthright and blunt. Personally PanicCured, I find it difficult to read your posts without feeling that you do come across as a little brusque, but hey that's just my opinion.

The things that Lin and many others have said is true, we do not all think we are doomed to live the rest of our lives in misery under a cloud of depression, anxiety and panic.

For me, I'm still trying to house train Black Dog !!

Some of us are new to this forum and still trying to find our feet and accept that the feelings and emotions we have are exactly that and will not physically harm us.

For me the panic and anxiety were scary when I first started experiencing them and I came onto this forum to look for information from others about how they manage their symptoms and reduce the stress/distress that they were experiencing, to see if any of them worked for me.

We are all at different points along our journey to recovery and we all have different triggers so its impossible to say that there is one cure all approach to this.

The support and encouragement I get from people I have met on this forum is helping me and I know I still have a long way to go, and bad days will still happen.

If I can offer support and encouragement to others then that has to be a positive surely ?

04-13-2013, 09:36 AM
( re: Panic Cured) Well, you totally took what I said the wrong way... You got very defensive and like I said took it the wrong way. I just have a different view on panic and anxiety maybe. Even many professionals do..there are many forms of treatment and psychological philosophies used at the basis for various treatments. CBT is one of the ones most seem to say are effective. And NO I don't feel sorry for myself or feel I'm disabled or look for sympathy. I've overcome much in my life and am the kind of person who won't sit back as use my past experiences as an excuse.
And this is not the first forum I've posted in on this topic,even though I'm new here and I've been dealing with anxiety and panic for over a decade .... It goes off and on... Goes high and low. I go off and on Meds. My goal is to stay med free. I have been trying self hypnosis and downloaded a couple of anti anxiety apps right now to try. I see my doctor, and when my life slows a little, I want to find time to start CBT. I'm a very outgoing and positive and intelligent person. My anxiety doesn't define me. It's an annoying thing that I try to deal with.

But in the end people will always have different opinions and views and we should respect that. We can have a debate without resorting to taunting and mocking and being immature or defensive. I'm always open to new ideas and information.

Many years ago I was battling severe flashbacks from my PTSD, was self harming, and battled depression. It was a darker area in my life... For my mind. I don't have those in my life anymore... Cured? Don't know... They kinda went away on my road to healing. Now my panic and anxiety are left.. So I stay positive they too will someday just disappear.

04-13-2013, 09:49 AM
Gud 4 u!

I m not on a defensive or anything like that
I jus think no harm in trying his theory
His experience might b totally different from mine
But I am so desperate to get better and I ll do anything to get out of this hole

04-13-2013, 10:31 AM
No...panic cureds comment was defensive not yours. And I never said not to try his theory. It could work for you. When I originally posted on this topic I was just playing devils advocate and was saying what works for one may not work for others. Yes we should try new things to help with anxiety and panic... Why not? For some reason Panic Cured came off to me as he had the answer to curing others panic.. Like his way was the answer.. I was just saying it may or may not be. But I think we should all try different things to help that are healthy for us, and positive.
And even though actual anxiety and panic disorders can stem from lack of serotonin being produced... Meaning your Brains chemistry is a little off.. ( which is why anti depressants are used)../ there is the old adage of 'Mind over matter'... And CBT is about that.. Changing how you think about your anxiety.. and self hypnosis which I just started.

04-13-2013, 11:21 AM
I m feeling like s*** rite now I m havin a panic and I m trying 2 deal with it
Plz don't feel offended by me that was not my purpose
I jus think it s worth giving everything and anything a shot
At the end of the day u would not no till u try

04-13-2013, 11:37 AM
Well they are horrific, given that it is your mind working/ using your body to send out alarming symptoms so that you will take notice that something isn't right. Meaning ? We often ignore our true feelings and refuse to address them ( pent up anger, depression, grief etc) I equate generalized anxiety or anxiety attacks to high stress in one's life. Panic Attacks come out of the blue, terrorizing the individual because they believe because they were " seemingly" fine at that moment that it MUST be a devastating health problem. My observation is that Panic Attacks are a result of long term stress, depression, phobias) that you simply aren't addressing. The human mind is magnificent and works well with the body to send out signals ( albeit horrific) to force you to pay attention. The difference between anxiety and panic " Anxiety is like sitting on a wing of a plane in flight, but Panic is like hanging by your fingertips from the wing of the plane in flight " Scary stuff but that's all it is...Scary Stuff. Address your feelings.

04-13-2013, 11:42 AM
Dear Jesi, princesskj, MC and everyone else, did not mean to upset anyone with any of my posts. I just wanted to say that we all have different ways of getting better and can't just be treated like we are stupid and have to follow one person. I did not mean any offence to anyone, and sorry if I did. I will stop posting for a while and then perhaps my posts will go back to just being helpful and kind rather than upsetting anyone. Lin

04-13-2013, 11:47 AM
I feel like going 2 A&E rite now but my husband is ignoring me he does not fall 4it anymore
I m having pain just under the ribs it s comin and goin and I m really s***ing my self
I don't no how I m gonna calm my self down

04-13-2013, 11:50 AM
M.C. If you have an. IPhone etc I suggest you to go into APPs ( they are free) and get a meditation tape to download. As hard as this is to accept your thought process is feeding your anxiety. Now, the anxiety is not going to. Hurt you but it will relentlessly keep battering you not until you address your pain, guilt, grief whatever. To stop an acute attack immediately you need to stop feeding it with thoughts...I feel horrible, I wonder if this my heart etc...on and on...that just pumps out more adrenaline .Instead try listening to meditation and really pay attention..A particular successful way to break your chain of thoughts is to count backwards by sets of seven from 100 to one...100, 93....the majority of people have to pay attention to do this and thus you concentrate on numbers not anxiety...effectively shutting Dow adrenaline , Hang. In here !

04-13-2013, 11:50 AM
Pain under the ribs ?

04-13-2013, 11:53 AM
Lin, Everything in life is individual, especially the human mind. I didn't read your post but I am confident it was fine. When we come from a good place.

04-13-2013, 11:55 AM
M.C you will be fine. Google Meditation lots of sites where you can Download for free meditation but you need to break that train of though !!!

04-13-2013, 12:03 PM
Thx Judie it s very nice of u paying attention 2
I was in d App Store jus now there r so many meditation apps which 1 would u recommend

04-13-2013, 12:05 PM
I m afraid of google I don't go near it anymore

Bcoz of the horrible stuff u can find in there

04-13-2013, 12:13 PM
Lin .... Yr posts were FINE !!!! Dnt beat yrself up .. U didnt post anytink bad , a few ov us posted on the same page and we were just saying hw we were feelin or how we see things ...
Make sure u stay on the forum !!!!!!

04-13-2013, 12:21 PM
I agree... Try anything and everything as long as its safe. Find what works for you. And I agree ... Google 'anti stress or anxiety downloads for computer or smart phones. I have a collection of games, this forum, relaxing music, light displays you can move, and they swirl and change color. ... One game is a bubble pop game with relaxing music, another a dolphin games where the dolphin keeps swimming as long as you want.. Flips and collects coins but never dies or no fighting ... Just fun and relax. And my self hypnosis Which has helped. It gets you to close your eyes and breathe deep and sends the message 'calm and relax' throughout like a mantra.
Also if you feel you are really bad there should be crisis and health lines in your area to call and talk to someone who will listen.

04-13-2013, 12:23 PM
The self hypnosis app is called 'anxiety free'. I have an iPhone. It may be available for other phones. It's pretty good. The hypnotist and narrator of it has a pretty thick Scottish accent.

04-13-2013, 12:25 PM
And no unfortunately it's not Sean Connery. :P

04-13-2013, 12:30 PM
Yeah , I do " playing games I'm my fone to switch my attention " or computer games etc

04-13-2013, 12:49 PM
Thx guys 4 ur. Support I feel a bit batter

04-13-2013, 12:52 PM
That's why I think most of us come here... To be supported and give support. So no problem! Glad you feel better.

04-13-2013, 01:11 PM
hi everyone, I am new here. just trying to figure out how all of this works..I have been struggling w/ anxiety and panic for a long time. looking for support ! :p

04-13-2013, 01:16 PM
Hey everyone again, I am pretty comp savy, but how do I add friends on here and how do I join groups ???? thx for anyone that may help !!!

04-13-2013, 01:18 PM
also, how do I add a pic 4 my profile????

04-13-2013, 01:22 PM
also, how do I add a pic 4 my profile????

Hi ... I had 2 go on actual website and its all in the left hand side , change profile , add friends etc ... Can't do much on the actual fone app

04-13-2013, 01:31 PM
Thank u. I appreciate your help

04-13-2013, 05:19 PM
I couldn't figure out how to add friends either on my phone So please feel free to add me!!

04-13-2013, 05:30 PM
This is funny.

I say, do not give up. Do not hyperventilate, do not fight the anxiety but allow it to pass, eat healthy, do yoga, take the right supplements, read the right books, keep moving forward in your healing, keep at it and eventually you will be better and your responses are

"NOOO!!!! How do you know what is best for me? What worked for you may not work for me! I am an individual. How can you tell me you know everything? I can't stand reading your posts!"

WOW What I am saying is so incredible weird. Crazy techniques! Isn't what I am suggesting just so bizarre and strange that how could it possibly work for everyone? Sorry that I do not agree that panic and anxiety last forever and can never be cured. That is exactly what you said to me! 2 of you said that!

This is why you are not better. Because you need to open your mind up and stop thinking you got it all under control and allow other people who know what they are talking about to help you. But you would rather prove that my methods won't work for everyone, which are utterly simple and basic common sense that every panic and anxiety book and any therapist will tell you anyway. Guess what? Keeping calm, being healthy, allowing anxiety to pass WILL work for everyone! My god! If you spent less time trying to argue these stupid points and more time opening your mind and just doing it, you'd be a hell of a lot better!