View Full Version : I don't know why I'm bugging myself

04-11-2013, 02:52 PM
I've finally come to a point where I feel fine but I just dont know why I keep on bugging myself and I feel crazy. I've been being treated for anxiety, depression, panic disorder and other mental health issues. I know I'm ok and Ive posted similiar things before but its like something in my head keeps on bugging myself and just won't let me be. I don't know if its because I'm so concerned about myself and me being ok or that for the last 2 years my life has kind of been on hold, really affected me personally and professionally (where the point I couldnt go abroad for a job) or whatever. It makes me so sleepy and tired even writing this like I'm not supposed to be because its so I don't know. I'd appreciate any help or info. I want to let it just be. Thankyou.