View Full Version : Fear of Traveling

04-11-2013, 08:40 AM
Are any of you unable to travel due to severe anxiety?

04-11-2013, 05:14 PM
I do,

Along time ago in my 20s it started not being able to go anywhere past a 4 hr drive. Anything under that was fine. Then it expanded to plane trips, couldnt go on planes. Then it narrowed me down to not being able to take car trips any farther an an hour from my house. All because i was scared id have a panic attack in the middle of this trip/plane ride/you name it someplace that i couldnt get out of. Meaning the plane, what if i had a panic attack on a plane? I cant go anywhere right? How about in the middle of nowhere in my car with my family depending on me to drive? I cant afford to have a panic attack there either. its screwed up. I am still that way 20 years later trying finally to do something about it. Dont wait, do something now it wont get any better on its own just worse.

04-11-2013, 06:45 PM
I have problems flying, but still push through it and go.......also, I have a bit of problem on long trips, but I push through it as well. I guess the key is to push through the uncomfortable feelings....