View Full Version : prozac + Lorazepam help with side effect

04-11-2013, 04:27 AM
hi i take 30 mg of prozac and 0.5mg of Lorazepam.it did help me with my anxiety and panic but i dont know if these is side effect of the medication but i have restless leg of restless feet and these is really annoying cuz when i try to sleep i keep moving my leg and feet and is
embarrassing cuz sometimes i have to sleep at the hotel for my job and and i have to share room and people ask me next day why i keep moving my feet ,leg . and the other thing is i think is affecting my sleep cuz i have no interest in things .if i have to work i wake up go to work come back go to sleep if i dont have to work wake up clean my room or try to play some video game that i used to play a lot before but after 30 min i feel like sleep tired i even lost a lot of interest in sex so should i change medication thx and i i cant concentrate when i try i even feel a pressure on my head and im having bad memory keep forgetting things thx

04-11-2013, 04:57 AM
I'd ask about another ssri like zoloft if you been on this a while. If not this may fade away. Going a bit higher with the ativan might help with the legs but ask for doc about that. Alankay