View Full Version : headaches

04-11-2013, 03:16 AM
Heyy :)
I have had panic disorder for about 8 weeks now. Was horrible and i couldnt take it so i went to the dr & got zoloft. Tonight will be my 15th dose. Im seeing results and side effects have basically gone (i sleep through them anyways). I went weeks with no energy no self esteem no motivation. My usual self is an active outdoor mother & it really got to me that i had become this hermit.
Since the zoloft has started to help calm me i have been full of energy. Im not calm enough to be left alone or leave the house alone yet but able to be happy & go out accompanied which i was too scared of before.
Anyways i had a very active day today a long walk with my brother dogs & daughter cleaning etc. Fell asleep on the back verandah for a little bit. Woke up with a slight headache. Then because my head usually felt pressurised and i suffered from a 3 day headache during my worst bout i automatically think anxiety is kicking back in full speed or this is an attack happening. I dont want to take any panadol *can i take that on zoloft anyway?).
Can this simple headache trigger me to think irrational thoughts & bring on some anxiety? I got a bit of a dry mouth which isnt as bad now. Still have the headache mainly in my forehead and eyes and feel hot. A little dazed. I am continously telling myself to go about my night and act like itd a nornal headache i got so many times before all this anxiety kicked in and it never bothered me but its so hard !

04-11-2013, 08:28 AM
Glad to hear the zoloft is working for you. Don't try to think your way into your having a attack or anxiety again. Just think oh I have a slight headache not really a big deal. It could be you slept wrong or your neck was not positioned correctly! You could still have a little tension in your muscles. As for the panadol and zoloft i'm not sure if you can take those together I would ask a pharmacist to be on the safe side :)