View Full Version : Strict Gluten free, dairy free diet and Iron cured my anxiety

Beth Andersen
04-11-2013, 02:33 AM
Hi there, I just felt that I should go on an anxiety forum and share my cure with others in case it helps them. I had Anxiety for 20 years, huge adrenaline rushes when going off to sleep, heart racing etc etc Hurrendous!!! About four months ago I started taking Iron and got rid of 90% of my symptoms even though I wasn't anaemic, but my iron(ferratin) stores were very low but within the normal range, so I suggested to my doctor that i try taking iron. After this I was inspired, so I thought it would be a good idea to see if I was low in any other vitamins and so I went to a nutritionist who said to me in the very first meeting that I should try going strictly gluten and dairy free. I was very sceptical that this could help emotional problems and i certainly didn't have any pain when digesting but i followed her advice and I was shocked to find that I recovered 100% but I have to be strict with the diet. At one point I stopped taking the iron from the doctor as it was giving me loose stool and I tried floradix but I wasn't absorbing the iron from this so then I tried spatone, again, I wasn't absorbing the iron from this so I tried Biocare Iron (the epa complex one) which works really well.

04-11-2013, 09:20 AM
Awesome Beth!! It just shows what can be achieved through diet. I've done a similar thing, but I gave up eggs too. Gluten, dairy and eggs. I eat a really natural diet with a lot of lean proteins, a lot of vegetables, and a few grains. It's made massive changes to my mental well-being, and especially to the amount of OCD I was suffering. Some foods just seemed to stress my body, even though I didn't feel there was any problem with them. I just didnt feel good after eating them.

Keep on doing whats working! Thanks for sharing :)