View Full Version : Almost in tears

04-10-2013, 05:06 PM
Was walking in sandals where there was fertilizer on the ground and that made my anxiety go up. Then went to go help my boyfriend clean out his car and he touched some cleaner and touched things and had me touch them. And then he asked what was wrong and I told him my anxiety was getting to me so he told me to just go inside and wash my hands which I did. And I feel really bad and I just wanna cry because I'm freaking out. I know when he comes in I'm going to have to have him wash his hands or I won't be able to be near him.

04-10-2013, 05:28 PM
I used to have this type of fear and OCD. To be honest it just passed, it was like a phase in my life. If someone was touching some type of chemical I would watch them touch other things and then I would think it got on me. I remember being in middle school and seeing the kids use white out and I would immediately think it was in my mouth and would have severe anxiety. I don't know how long you have been suffering from this type of fear but you just need to tell yourself its going to be ok. Heck I still make someone wash their hands if they have been messing with stuff that contains chemicals, it's only natural. Try to accept that you do this and see if it works.

04-10-2013, 05:43 PM
I know and anything that I think has anything bad on it I don't touch and if I do I wash my hand right after I have really bad anxiety with contamination. I have a therapist and she gave me some breathing exercises to do and I did those after I washed my hands and it calmed me down. But I still have my boyfriend who touched all that stuff. Which freaks me out.