View Full Version : what are your symptoms

07-16-2007, 01:59 PM
I get short of breath, tight muscles, rapid heartbeat, nausea, lightheaded, jittery.

Also, I think I make it worse by panicking and going on the internet trying to find something wrong with me. Health anxiety maybe?

07-16-2007, 05:31 PM
For me, the most troubling symptoms are fear and anxiety themselves, unreality, loss of pleasure, and depression. Occasionally, I experience some of the more physical symptoms. But I find the emotional symptoms MUCH harder to deal with. As for health anxiety, this seems to be considered a separate disorder by many professionals. But from what I have seen, experienced and seen around here, it is more just a symptom of a general anxiety disorder. In other words, if you are like most people here, you probably just started feeling bad fairly quickly, for what appeared to be no good reason. It is this whole 'out of the blue' aspect to it that makes you scared of symptoms, and makes you believe that they are far more dangerous than they really are. If, on the other hand, you were to experience these same symptoms as a result of the fear of something real (like your car going into a skid on a wet road, for instance), you wouldnt be so frightened that you feel a little lightheaded, jittery, or even nauseous for a little while after the whole thing.