View Full Version : Work

04-10-2013, 03:00 PM
My anxiety issues have severely messed up my life. I managed to muddle through law school but then things went downhill. After 8 years I found a job where I managed to get by. But now I have a manager job and find myself in a bad way again.

My biggest issue is being in positions were I may get judged. Specifically public speaking but also with producing work product. I get anxious thinking about them, procrastinate. I feel like I have failed in life.

Anyone have similar issues and suggested ways to deal with these issues?

04-10-2013, 06:34 PM
Fear of being judged and not liked(rejected) can be social anxiety. For social anxiety a beta blocker like propranolol 20-40 mg will help with tremor/shaking/racing heart.
An ssri helps with lessening the ruminations that feeds all this but I know most hate to consider meds but if it's that serious, ask your doc about that. Just a couple ideas as well as Toastmasters for some practice in front of folks if that could be helpful. Alankay

04-10-2013, 11:30 PM
I have a pressurised job and find I do too many hours and not take holidays etc etc, and when my head is not well I find it extremely hard work to act normal all day and show that I can do my job. When my head is not well I also get paranoid that what I am doing is rubbish, that people don't like me, and that people are not working properly with me because they know my head is not right.
So perhaps a lot of your problems at work are over exaggerated in your head because you are depressed. If you acknowledged that you could be depressed then you should talk to your doctor who can discuss tablets with you, refer you to someone, or suggest other ways of helping.
I have taken up meditation on the advice of my psychiatrist and I find this helps. I went to an NHS mindfulness course which did guided meditation and now I have joined a Buddhist meditation group which is very much like the NHS meditation.
So perhaps you need to think about getting help to calm your head down, and then things at work will not feel so bad and will go easier for you.