View Full Version : Alternative to diazepam

04-10-2013, 06:27 AM
Is there an alternative to diazepam? I have stopped taking my anti-depressants as I was not feeling any benefit of being on them & so am currently just taking 2mg diazepam as & when I need it. I've taken 2 single tablets in the past week, so I'm not taking much. But my doctor is reluctant to give me more. So I need an alternative whilst I'm waiting for CBT.

04-10-2013, 06:58 AM
There is temazepam and this acts different from diazapam. Diazapam keeps your anxiety levels even all day if taken regularly whereas temazepam makes you sleep and relax straight after taken it but does not keep you level right through so is more of a quick fix. Both are addictive so that is why they take care prescribing them.

04-10-2013, 07:04 AM
On one of the other threads someone mentions lorazepam as well which I have not tried,

04-10-2013, 08:45 AM
Thanks. Basically, I only take 1 2mg diazepam if I start to have an attack at work, so it stops me having as much time off. If I'm at home, I ride it out without medication.
I was at risk of losing my job from the amount of time I was having off with anxiety attacks, but since I've been able to have the diazepam, my absence levels have dropped significantly. But if they don't want to prescribe it, I don't know what else to do.

04-10-2013, 09:53 AM
They annoy the hell out of me in England. They don't trust anybody to get a prescription of a benzo and use it responsibly. It's like they believe we'll get it, take it all in a few days, and become addicts. I hate public speaking so much. The only thing now that can get me to panic attack. My job is super stressful too, sometimes I have to make important presentations, and they kill me. I asked my doctor if I could have like 7 benzo's to take on a once a month basis. No deal.

I use magnesium and rescue remedy, with 5HTP. It's decent.

04-10-2013, 11:33 AM
Well people abusing benzos definitely makes it bad for people like us, who truly need them and dont abuse them.
I just saw a segment on the Today show this morning talking about the highest amts of prescription pill overdoses come from anti-anxiety meds, then pain meds and then anti depressants. I just hate the bad rap that anti anxiety meds get......then I feel the need to hide the fact that I'm taking them.......

04-10-2013, 11:43 AM
If you are only using it once and a while it should be fine. I think it all depends on the doctor. Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist. Plenty of people are prescribed enough to take each and every day. The first time I saw my doctor he gave me a 3 month supply of them very easily. Its been about 9 months and I still haven't used them all. So as long as you use them safely and you understand the potential for addiction your doctor should be okay with it. If not find a new doctor.

04-10-2013, 01:55 PM
Clorazepate. Ask about it. Alankay

04-10-2013, 03:13 PM
Exactly. I was given what was technically 9 days worth & it lasted me 3 months. I'm not one to take a pill when I don't need it. I don't even take headache pills unless I realllllly need to.

I will ask about clorazepate tomorrow, thank you.

04-10-2013, 03:23 PM
You should also ask about Ativan (generic is lorazapam). It is really helping me.

04-10-2013, 03:24 PM
Does that help calm an attack once you feel it coming on? Or is it something that you have to take daily?

04-10-2013, 03:25 PM
Also you could ask about atarax which is an old antihistamine with good anxiety properties and has no abuse potential. Librium or prazepam might be other options as a benzos with less abuses potential(if that's what the doc is worried about). Yes, most anxiety patients don't abuse their meds if properly instructed on how to take. Alankay

04-10-2013, 03:32 PM
The Ativan is both. Some people (like me for the next two weeks) have to take it a few times a day and have it in their system. Me only because my new AD hasn't kicked in yet. But in general it is a fast acting as needed medication.

04-10-2013, 05:05 PM
Clorazepate, librium and prazepam are benzos that work quickly and are safer from a dependence aspect. They can be taken "as needed", not daily to be effective. Very much like valium(diazepam) in their effectiveness for anxiety. In the UK valium got a bad rap for no good reason so the others don't carry the same stigma but I use valium to this day for anxiety panic and swear by it but they all will work at the right dose for that. I have a hunch they may not want to rx a benzo so make sure they know your job is at risk and you will use one only when really needed and only enough to do the job. They are more likley to rx atarax but they may give some of the others that are safer benzos. Alankay