View Full Version : telling your friends about anxiety or not?

04-09-2013, 10:56 PM
I wanted to see if any of you have had this before..I have anxiety and deprsession..and lately for the past months and more..havent been wanting to socialize much or see my friends one on one..I'm ok with going drinking with more people..that makes me feel easier when drinking with a bigger group for my anxiety.. I finally decided to tell a few of my so called close friends that I'm sorry I haven't been super outgoing etc..and that I have been having bad anxiety and that I hope it gets better soon, (I did so via texting) so I can hang with them again..I'm beginning to regret that decision because not even any of the 4 friends I told that to ever replied a single thing back...? I don't know but if my friends told me that via text or any form of communication I would at least say..I'm sorry you're going thought that..let me know how I can be of help..or I'm there for you if u need to talk...I'm rather upset none of them have reached out..my boyfriend thinks its because they just don't know what to say to that..it's better to say something than nothing at all in my opinion...? What's your experience with this? Should I not tell anyone and leave this for my close family and doctors/therapists only? I just didn't want to lose all my friends because I haven't talked to them in a while and I wanted to let them know why..makes me feel like I made a mistake? Or perhaps not good friends to begin with..which is my conclusion on this..

04-09-2013, 11:11 PM
A lot of ppl dont understand how we feel. A friebd told me - i know how u feel my heart races sometimes when i panic too. It actually made me really pissed off ! NO u dont know how i feel. I have a lot more then a racing heart & have nothing to panic about .
My partner also didnt fully understand how i felt until he accompanied me into the drs & he watched me break down & say i cant do this without meds anymore, i felt like a useless pathetic mother etc. When we left he hugged me & apologised.
I think thats half the problem with mental disorders. People toss them off as irrational thoughts that are our own fault (which anxiety is made up of our own thoughts) but its not something we are able to just shrug off. Its a monster manifesting inside our brains, eating off our fears.
U just keep focusing on getting urself better. Dont worry bout anyone else for the moment.
I havent seen my gfs since this panic disorder kicked in which was 8weeks ago. I have been focusing on me & getting better.

04-10-2013, 12:12 AM
It is very difficult with friends. In the past I have nearly ruined friendships by telling them how bad I feel and they can't handle it. If friends have had depression or anxiety themselves then they are really good because they understand. None of my family understand and don't help. I get more help from either close friends who have had it too, or new people I meet on NHS or mental health courses, or people who go to my Buddha meditation group who have had lots of different illnesses. Friends who don't really understand I just make sure I keep in touch by occasional text or email but i don't meet them or go into details. This forum is really good - you get lots of advice and everyone understands.

04-10-2013, 05:25 AM
I haven't told anyone except my closest family members and my cubicle mate at work. I just don't want to deal with other reactions

04-10-2013, 06:24 AM
I tend not to share with people with the exception of my family, and one or two good friends who are suffering through somewhat related situations.
There was one time I mentioned it to someone who wasn't a close friend, and I swear she acts now like I have some type of serious mental disorder....like walking on eggshells around me. I hate that, so I won't be making that mistake again.
I think a lot of people don't understand anxiety or nervous disorders, so they really just don't know what to say.

04-10-2013, 09:45 AM
My sister just asked me 'I want to get lunch, should I eat at Rio's'... I simply replied 'You know if the Restaurant is good, far better than I do :)

Only you can judge your friends level of understanding. How close are you to them, and more importantly, how is your anxiety affecting your relationship with them? If it is a complete mess, like mine became, I had to tell them. If you can hold it together pretty well, my personal opinion is that I wouldn't tell them. Like others have said, most don't understand, and anxiety is always viewed as being a dramatic disorder, that people need to stop using to attention seek.

Even people I thought would understand the most, didn't in the end. Even my own Mother, who suffered from anxiety, ended up getting furious at me for going on about it too much.

04-10-2013, 10:12 AM
I didn't tell anyone at all except my mom for 15 years. She was perfect through it and never told a soul but would always be willing to listen, only when I was ready to talk.

People don't unerstand this disorder and the reason I didn't tell anyone else is evident in this forum.

So many people disappointed by how people that were supposed to love them and be there unconditionally, were not.

04-10-2013, 10:16 AM
Loooool...... My friends sister who is in her 30's just found out I have panic disorder and find it hard goin places or been widout my car and she just asked me if I was autistic or had aspergers !!!

04-10-2013, 10:22 AM
You should of said. "No, I have none of those things. My only probable side effect is people diagnosed with panic tend to become serail killers." The look at her really strange and smile.

04-10-2013, 10:28 AM
You should of said. "No, I have none of those things. My only probable side effect is people diagnosed with panic tend to become serail killers." The look at her really strange and smile.


04-10-2013, 10:31 AM
You should of said. "No, I have none of those things. My only probable side effect is people diagnosed with panic tend to become serail killers." The look at her really strange and smile.

Loooool.... Kan u imagine

04-10-2013, 02:41 PM
I wanted to see if any of you have had this before..I have anxiety and deprsession..and lately for the past months and more..havent been wanting to socialize much or see my friends one on one..I'm ok with going drinking with more people..that makes me feel easier when drinking with a bigger group for my anxiety.. I finally decided to tell a few of my so called close friends that I'm sorry I haven't been super outgoing etc..and that I have been having bad anxiety and that I hope it gets better soon, (I did so via texting) so I can hang with them again..I'm beginning to regret that decision because not even any of the 4 friends I told that to ever replied a single thing back...? I don't know but if my friends told me that via text or any form of communication I would at least say..I'm sorry you're going thought that..let me know how I can be of help..or I'm there for you if u need to talk...I'm rather upset none of them have reached out..my boyfriend thinks its because they just don't know what to say to that..it's better to say something than nothing at all in my opinion...? What's your experience with this? Should I not tell anyone and leave this for my close family and doctors/therapists only? I just didn't want to lose all my friends because I haven't talked to them in a while and I wanted to let them know why..makes me feel like I made a mistake? Or perhaps not good friends to begin with..which is my conclusion on this..

They wont understand. My family doesn't even understand. There is a stigma with depression. People tell themselves I'm anxious I'm depressed and never try to just live with it. If you run to meds you wont solve anything. If you run to friends they wont solve anything. Only you yourself can. I read a great thing about hearing voices. "If you think you are stronger than them you will be. If you think you are weaker they will control you. Believe me everyone has trouble, some figure out control faster than others. Right now at this moment realize YOU and nothing else can control the bad voices you hear. All of my bad thoughts come from regret, once you say something ypu can't take it back no matter what. Just live with it. I know it can feel like you're your own worst bully, but try to figure out a way to tell that bully to fuck off. In time I think you'll get better but not if you don't start fighting for yourself. When you learn to foght for your voice I think you'll find yourself in a different place. I'm still dealing with my bully but I'm realizing I have to stop him. Don't fear depression. Sadness is a part of life and when you give way to sadness it will ruin your future. Don't let it ruin you. I know its no quick fix but try it. If I've helped at all I'm always here to talk. No matter how much you tell people you are sad they will not be able to make a choice and fix your problems for you. Being happy is a choice just like being depressed can be. Try your hardest to be positive and focus on that. Don't regret just keep on moving on. You'll realize how funny mistakes can be :)

04-11-2013, 11:24 AM
One of my friends literally laughed at me and told me I'm insane while another one told me I'm ridiculous and rolled her eyes....so I guess it depends on who your friends are.