View Full Version : Suicidal

04-09-2013, 08:58 PM
I can relate to those post I have read from people who are contemplating suicide because of the discomfort of living with anxiety. It is not beyond any of us. I learnt years ago when I was experiencing my lengthened season of depression that mental pain is worse than physical pain. Its even more unbearable. I think because we can always find medication to suppress our physical symptoms. Mind battle is a little more complex as we struggle really to change how we think and its much harder than the instructions we are given.

So yes, we want it to end. Yes, we think we can't live like this all our days. Yes, we wonder what is the point as more often than not it stops us from truly enjoying life, and being productive.

If suicide was really the end of it all, it may really be an option worth considering for those who suffer greatly. But physical death is not the end of life. Some believe, some don't...but either way it really doesn't change the truth. We're then forced to deal with life, and whatever misfortunes come our way. Its hard, extremely difficult, mildly to moderately painful, very uncomfortable and hard to live with... but we can fight this. We can overcome this. I want to believe that this forum serves an even higher purpose, for here we find hope...companionship and inspiration to keep trying, keep breathing, keep fighting, keep hoping for that day we wake up anxiety free.

Please don't give up. I am very much speaking to myself as well. For those who have found relief or healing, please share with us and don't abandon us because you no longer suffer. I find from reading many post that people seem to only come here when things get really bad, but come when they are going well and share so we can find hope in your relief and victory.

04-10-2013, 03:42 AM
No you are not right! Life is only bad when you are in that bad mental state. when you are in a good mental state it is good. There is no reason to kill yourself and anyone who thinks of this at all should immediately call a suicide hotline and ask for help. Call a professional right now!!!

Life is a reflection of your thoughts and emotions. You can control your thoughts and you can create a good life! Don't ever give up and do not go to the darkside. Anyone thinking of suicide get help NOW by calling a suicide hotline or a therapist who specializes in this. There is hope!

04-10-2013, 04:16 AM
I often get suicidal and always ring mental health helpline to stop me - they have my notes so know to talk to me about my son and husband because saying goodbye to them stops me doing it. But recently had knee operations and after first one refused to wakeup because wanted to die and see my mum and dad who are both dead. Refused in recovery room to open my eyes. I was in recovery room so long and gave in at the end because i realised that my body had woken up so could not fight it any longer and had to open eyes, but it gave both me and my husband a shock because it made us realise my subconscious did want to die and it was not an empty threat. So scared us but at least made us both realise how bad I really was. Also another thing that usually stops me is that mental health nurses have told me that however you do it your close family never get over it, so would hate to ruin their Ives, instead of helping them by not having me to worry about anymore which is one reason I tell myself why i should do it.