View Full Version : I want to help people on their road to becoming anxiety free.

04-09-2013, 12:51 PM

Ive decided to make a thread as you may have seen my posts on other forums!

Im new to this forum so hello to you all! I suffered from anxiety symptoms for almost 3 years with depression also. I am at a point in my life where I see these symptoms for what they truly are. An unrealistic representation of situations that my mind tells my body to feel.
I now feel stronger than before I had anxiety and depression mainly because instead of taking the medication that I was told to take (which made me feel worse! ), I didn’t just read about the ways that could help me become better, I actually started to do them and ignore what these symptoms were telling me. That’s when I realised that they are not real! Ive had every symptom, believe me! But I wanted someone to tell me and actually show me the ways, the food to eat, morning routines, ambitions! Well Im now feeling good and seek improvements every day. I willing to talk to people who feel like how I felt when I had nowhere to turn to, I want to give back. I appreciate my life and im going to give my time to people that want it. No cost. If you are interested then please let me know on this thread.

I am not a professional and not 100% anxiety free ( no one on this planet is! ) but I believe I am on the right path. just keep believing! Thanks for reading!

04-09-2013, 02:37 PM
I think it is really good to help other people with something you know about, but very difficult to help everyone because everyone has so many symptoms, and you might not have had those symptoms at all. I think peer support is brilliant but think you need to make sure you are giving people the right help.

04-09-2013, 03:34 PM
Hi Lin

I totally agree with what you are saying. I can only talk about the things I have been through and know that have worked for me and other people. There seems to be a general pattern with anxiety sufferers ( including myself ) symptoms, and how to begin your road to recovery. My first piece of advice is obviously get checked by a doctor. If the doctor has checked everything and he says its anxiety or depression then i believe it is time to know the facts and take back control of the situation ( without meds ). Your whole being needs to be brought back into balance!

Ive had and continue to have most of the symptoms ( right now my visual snow feels bad! only because im thinking of it lol ) but I dont focus on them and my body doesnt react to them with fear anymore.

04-09-2013, 04:41 PM

Ive decided to make a thread as you may have seen my posts on other forums!

Im new to this forum so hello to you all! I suffered from anxiety symptoms for almost 3 years with depression also. I am at a point in my life where I see these symptoms for what they truly are. An unrealistic representation of situations that my mind tells my body to feel.
I now feel stronger than before I had anxiety and depression mainly because instead of taking the medication that I was told to take (which made me feel worse! ), I didn’t just read about the ways that could help me become better, I actually started to do them and ignore what these symptoms were telling me. That’s when I realised that they are not real! Ive had every symptom, believe me! But I wanted someone to tell me and actually show me the ways, the food to eat, morning routines, ambitions! Well Im now feeling good and seek improvements every day. I willing to talk to people who feel like how I felt when I had nowhere to turn to, I want to give back. I appreciate my life and im going to give my time to people that want it. No cost. If you are interested then please let me know on this thread.

I am not a professional and not 100% anxiety free ( no one on this planet is! ) but I believe I am on the right path. just keep believing! Thanks for reading!

I totally know what you mean. My anxiety stems from me not being able to communicate what I really want to others. For example my parents bought a movie player that streams movies. I told them it didn't have all the movies I wanted to see. This in turn made say they would look for a new one. I didn't mean to make them feel that way, but I didn't think about it till after. Truth is I would have taken the movie player anyway, cause money is tight. I kinda say things I want and not what I want to actually say. It's like dislexic thought. I think about the bad before the good and it controls my thought. But I realize I have to see the bad the good then make sense of it. I'm working on my communication and hopefully will get better everyday. I think depressed people are too afraid to make sense of life so they call themselves depressed and sit there. What better time to start making sense of life than right now? It's the one medication they never prescribe you, stepping out of depression and trying something new, try to be happy. I think eventually my depression will fade. No one can make sense of life but you, and depressed people want someone else to figure it out, weather it be a doctor or medication or a therapist. Truth is I have to figure out communication or stay depressed. Pretty elementary isnt it? haha Laugh if you think so :)

What is your experience?

04-11-2013, 07:26 AM
Chris I totally agree with you!! I think your point about holding onto things and not being able to express ourselves is a big part to anxiety, and the thing is it is basically our minds playing tricks on us. Once we start pushing through those negative thoughts then they lose their power. That is the best time to reaffirm with positive thoughts because youve proved that you can push past the negative! Also try and drink 3 litres of water a day everyday, youll see a difference. Taking responsibility for yourself is key and it definitely sounds like your on the right path! And yes laughing is an amazing healer so I agree!! Let me know how you get on!

04-11-2013, 12:17 PM
Chris I totally agree with you!! I think your point about holding onto things and not being able to express ourselves is a big part to anxiety, and the thing is it is basically our minds playing tricks on us. Once we start pushing through those negative thoughts then they lose their power. That is the best time to reaffirm with positive thoughts because youve proved that you can push past the negative! Also try and drink 3 litres of water a day everyday, youll see a difference. Taking responsibility for yourself is key and it definitely sounds like your on the right path! And yes laughing is an amazing healer so I agree!! Let me know how you get on!

Why drink 3 liters of water a day? I mean why 3? I feel like I see that number everywhere haha ocd

04-11-2013, 12:36 PM
lol! could be your lucky number!

Water does amazing things, every system in our body depends on it. it helps wash toxins from vital organs, we sure need that! its carries nutrients to cells and helps keep a moist environment for ears, nose and throat tissues. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you feel tired.

04-11-2013, 12:55 PM
lol! could be your lucky number!

Water does amazing things, every system in our body depends on it. it helps wash toxins from vital organs, we sure need that! its carries nutrients to cells and helps keep a moist environment for ears, nose and throat tissues. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you feel tired.

water, dehydration and the number 3 hmmm... makes me wonder

04-11-2013, 03:10 PM
Hi there
I suffer from health anxiety and kind of struggling with it
I m pretty interested in your theory.
Could u plz share wot u done 2fight ur anxiety

04-11-2013, 04:28 PM

Apologies first, I thought I had replied to you in another thread. Heres what i wrote in another thread:

Yes of course i shall share a few of things i did and do on a daily basis. One of the first things i did was to understand that I am not dying! Yes the symptoms ( when given the attention that their looking for! ) feel like your about to pass out any second and your heart is going to stop if you walk up some steps. Well your heart is such a strong tool that it can beat at such a high rate for long period of time. Obviously we want to bring this heart rate down when not exercising or in situations where we need the blood to pumped around our bodies rapidly. The thoughts we think are the mastermind to the feelings we experience, rapid heart rate, excessive pounding of the heart, palpitations, Light headed feeling all the time, chocking sensation, breathing problems etc. It might not feel like it but thats where it has started and thats the first place to change it running patterns which sometimes were not even aware that are operating. When i used to see my front door my mind would create a thought that went something like ' oh no, that door leads to outside, im scared to go outside! ' and i would suffer all these restricting symptoms. What I started to do was spend some time with myself, with my thoughts, and just watched them in my mind. what were they predominantly saying? were they positive or negative? Was I holding onto something from the past that was stopping me living my life in the now? all these questions which I had never asked myself before. The answers began to come to me as I practiced silencing my mind through techniques such as meditation ( proven to cause wonders with anxiety and depression when practiced daily). Sometimes this can feel difficult when you are experiencing all these symptoms that stop you from living life. Well these symptoms wont kill you, you must push past that point where you wont to stop your current activity and embrace the feeling! yes embrace it! and what you will find is it will dissappear. What you are doing when you do this is training your mind to realise that you are not in danger and your body will begin to become more relaxed the more times you do this over time. This area is very important and each person will have different answers to these and many more questions so if you would like more help with this area then email me.

What we eat and drink is highly important. Do you drink 3 litres of water a day? not 2 but 3? if not then start today. and see the difference you will feel in one month. Our bodies are around 80% water! Try to drink filtered water. I use a filter which i bought for £10-£15, and i use it everyday. Try to eat more earthly foods, alot of green leafy foods like kale, celery, spinach etc. they contain alot of oxygen and clean out alot of the crap we have built up of the years by eating processed foods. Also look up 30 day raw food on youtube and have a look at some of the videos. Some of these people have adopted a raw juice diet and have had all the symptoms that we suffer/suffered plus diseases like cancer and they have made full recoveries!

Exercise is also essential ( doctors always say it but its true ). Go for a jog with a friend and see how you feel afterwards. I know its difficult to even get out the house but push past that thought that is telling you no, its just your mind trying to keep you safe from a safe situation! Once you do it your mind realizes theres nothing to be afraid of and will remember it for next time.

There are other areas to address also like ambitions and even spiritual beliefs but these are definitely great ways to start your path to recovery. The time you recover all depends on how often you attack these unrealistic fears. If you would like to talk more then please do email me using the email in my profile.

The greatest thing of all is that when you do recover from anxiety you will actually feel more courageous and grateful for the amazing things in life which you still have to experience. I believe the risks you will take after anxiety and depression you would have not done before when you were 'normal'.

Use it as a blessing, Your about to become a greater human being.

04-21-2013, 04:41 PM
Hey all. I recommend watching videos by Dan the lifegenerator on youtube. In his videos he demonstrates in detail about the importance of feeding our bodies with life enriching foods, the symptoms of people with years of bad eating and how you can change this. Let me know what you think! peace

04-21-2013, 04:47 PM
Fantastic post "onelife" and I have seen some of Dans videos and they are great... I would also recommend them.