View Full Version : my fucking nerves are sky high right now.

04-09-2013, 11:58 AM
My nerves are sky high right now and i feel a panic attack coming on. I took a supplement 2 days ago that had a ton of stims in it and i remember this is exactly what triggered my first panic attacks. Dumb ass me for thinking my Nervous system was completely healed when it wasnt =[

04-09-2013, 12:05 PM
I've made this mistake sooo many times it's so stupid of me. Maybe I'll never be able to tolerate stims. I just leave them all alone now, or I become like you. Took some the other day had horrific nightmares, and woke up with what felt like a bodily panic attack (I call it that, as I kept my mind calm). I've been doing a lot of meditation and relaxation methods since then. It's helped me. Sucks though, cos I live a totally relaxed and happy life, yet take certain stims, and OUCH. Life isnt fun.

Take it real easy for a couple of days, it doesnt take too long to get out of your system and pass. Don't let the anxiety come back in and form momentum, and get habitual. Another thing that happened to me once or twice. Once something triggers anxiety, it can be a process of anxiety having momentum to keep alive, and gets us jumping at shadows.

04-09-2013, 12:23 PM
I've made this mistake sooo many times it's so stupid of me. Maybe I'll never be able to tolerate stims. I just leave them all alone now, or I become like you. Took some the other day had horrific nightmares, and woke up with what felt like a bodily panic attack (I call it that, as I kept my mind calm). I've been doing a lot of meditation and relaxation methods since then. It's helped me. Sucks though, cos I live a totally relaxed and happy life, yet take certain stims, and OUCH. Life isnt fun.

Take it real easy for a couple of days, it doesnt take too long to get out of your system and pass. Don't let the anxiety come back in and form momentum, and get habitual. Another thing that happened to me once or twice. Once something triggers anxiety, it can be a process of anxiety having momentum to keep alive, and gets us jumping at shadows.

that is EXACTLY how i feel! I am giving it no attention! I am trying to go about my daily routine! Looks like I cant take stims at all anymore! Oh well doesnt bother me. I just need more time to heal this mess. Atleast I know now what triggered my panic attacks and I wasnt a physco or something!

04-09-2013, 03:16 PM
Good stuff Mglover. If you have to give yourself a little indiscretion, don't worry too much about it. I cancelled a date with my girlfriend last week, just wasn't in a good place, and knew I'd be better and re-arrange it in a few days. Didn't worry too much about the 'giving into anxiety' thing, as I knew it was temporary. Props if you can plough though, Sounds like you've got this.

Hows your anxiety in general day-to-day life? Must be feeling good to try some new stuff?

04-09-2013, 04:06 PM
Good stuff Mglover. If you have to give yourself a little indiscretion, don't worry too much about it. I cancelled a date with my girlfriend last week, just wasn't in a good place, and knew I'd be better and re-arrange it in a few days. Didn't worry too much about the 'giving into anxiety' thing, as I knew it was temporary. Props if you can plough though, Sounds like you've got this.

Hows your anxiety in general day-to-day life? Must be feeling good to try some new stuff?

its actually been going pretty good. Hadnt had a panic attack since last year (my only 1). The only thing that was bothering me is my energy levels have been pretty low and some obsessive thoughts. However they have been improving and dont bother me as much anymore.. I went for a run today and had no problems and had no panic. Its just I have this weird feeling in my stomach that I did back when my attack happened due to these stimulants that set me off. How long does the body take to rid of this stuff? Would drinking a gallon of water a day flush them out sooner? :|

04-10-2013, 10:47 AM
just an update folks, it seems my nerves are still out of wack after drinking this a couple days ago...still waiting for my CNS to get back to normal before this.

04-10-2013, 10:53 AM
Hi Mglover, sucks it's still all buzzed up. Usually this stuff is out of your body in like 24/48 hours tops. Drink water, for sure though, it can't hurt. The problem now probably isn't the drink, it's the vibration of the nervous system after being hit. Do you have any benzo's? Breaking the anxiety chain for a couple of days would really help. It's all compounding, and every little thing is making the nervous system more stimulated. It's important to keep hitting those relaxation techniques. I put a 50min tape of Yoga Nidra on, and meditate and do Progressive Muscle relaxation, and try to get out of the house as much as I can, get some fresh air. Just to keep the chain from compunding and calm the system.

Doing all of that, I've never failed to be back fighting fit within a week.

04-10-2013, 12:17 PM
Hi Mglover, sucks it's still all buzzed up. Usually this stuff is out of your body in like 24/48 hours tops. Drink water, for sure though, it can't hurt. The problem now probably isn't the drink, it's the vibration of the nervous system after being hit. Do you have any benzo's? Breaking the anxiety chain for a couple of days would really help. It's all compounding, and every little thing is making the nervous system more stimulated. It's important to keep hitting those relaxation techniques. I put a 50min tape of Yoga Nidra on, and meditate and do Progressive Muscle relaxation, and try to get out of the house as much as I can, get some fresh air. Just to keep the chain from compunding and calm the system.

Doing all of that, I've never failed to be back fighting fit within a week.

Thanks for the reply bro. Don't have any benzos. But I do have chamomile tea and I am about to buy the rescue formula extract thing from Charles linden. Do u think that can act just as good? Man I hope this clears up. The vibration thing sounds dead on!

04-10-2013, 08:32 PM
Do you know when the vibration thing will go away? =[ totally blows

04-10-2013, 09:00 PM
Do you know when the vibration thing will go away? =[ totally blows

I had a large constant vibration in my head for about 3 weeks straight when my body got hit hard with an attack. That's just a reference point though, for you it could be longer or shorter.

04-10-2013, 09:45 PM
I had a large constant vibration in my head for about 3 weeks straight when my body got hit hard with an attack. That's just a reference point though, for you it could be longer or shorter.

thanks man. Yes i remember my first attack. Was terrible and I felt on edge for such a long time. Thankfully I have not had an attack and its just been nerves. Im praying it goes away soon. hopefully in a couple more days.

04-11-2013, 10:25 AM
still feeling it, does seem like its slowly getting better..