View Full Version : Will you please help me?

04-09-2013, 09:09 AM
I'm not allowed to google. And I'm worrying about something in particular.

Many of you know my throat has been hurting for quite a few weeks. It's progressively gotten worse, and is now accompanied by a cough. I've also noticed when I brush my tongue, it starts to bleed and has patchy red spots all over it. I do have a geographical tongue, so strange things can happen, but this has never happened.

If I google, my panic will set in. So right now ok just worried.

Please, of you have any thoughts, let me know.

Also, I've been sleeping with cough drops the last 3 nights. But this started a week ago.

04-09-2013, 02:30 PM
I know that there have been lots of nasty bugs around, including a sore throat and cough which lasts a long time - so it might just be a bug which is lasting a long time. A quick visit to the doctor could put your mind at rest and stop worrying.

04-09-2013, 07:15 PM
Strep throat maybe? Sounds like the same symptoms I had when I had Strep before. I would take a trip to the doc so maybe they can check it out and give you some antibiotics. Don't stress too much about it.....it can be fixed easily.....and good for you for staying off Google.