View Full Version : Adreneline rush that wont stop until i fall asleep

04-09-2013, 08:53 AM

Just curious if anyone else has this problem. If something really stressful happens in my life sometimes i just wont sleep at all that night, i mean 0 sleep because my anxiety level is high. When this occurs the next morning its followed by extreme high anxiety that lasts basically until i can fall asleep again. Because my anxiety level is so high, it can prevent me from sleeping the following night, then the next. Its like a domino effect. My anxiety level the next day is usually so bad its all i can do to take walks all day, or do chores around the house i cant even sit down. My pulse is sky high literally 24x7 sometimes for days. Once i fall asleep, bingo! Im back to normal. Its almost like once my adrenal glands kick in that's it, the only shutoff valve is when i finally pass out.

Anyways, curious if anyone else has basically a constant stream of adrenaline that can lost that long. Its not really a panic attack, id call it really high anxiety. This started about a year ago after something traumatic happened to me. You would think after a day or two you would have no adrenaline left.

04-09-2013, 03:33 PM
I can go a few nights with no sleep and usually because worried about something so anxiety, rather than adrenalin. After about two nights with no sleep, I will suddenly feel really tired during the day, so hard at work, but then that night I will sleep well and feel better again. Happens regularly. Better if I can manage to stay in bed on bad nights because nap and get bits of sleep, but some bad nights I just can't stay in bed and have to get up and then I usually end up with no sleep.

04-09-2013, 05:30 PM
For a about 2 weeks I was sleeping like every other day. When it first started I had 4 hours of sleep in 2 days. It was awful. My anxiety is due to my own health so once I got checked out and they said I was in great health and after a therapy session I was sleeping again and haven't had a problem since. Still have anxiety but I'm sleeping again.