View Full Version : So what do I do now?

04-08-2013, 01:47 PM
So I've been realizing I have anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I still don't get why I cant seem to cope with them more than most people, I get that everyone has anxiety, I just can't cope with it as well. I wish I knew why. Anyways, I get it, I have a problem. Now what? How do I go about solving this? Do I tell my friends? Do I tell my family? How do I tell them without seeming like I'm just crying about my problems? Everytime I try to talk about my anxiety it feels like people aren't really getting it so I kinda just keep it all inside, I'm just looking for a little support I guess.

04-08-2013, 02:41 PM
So I've been realizing I have anxiety attacks and panic attacks. I still don't get why I cant seem to cope with them more than most people, I get that everyone has anxiety, I just can't cope with it as well. I wish I knew why. Anyways, I get it, I have a problem. Now what? How do I go about solving this? Do I tell my friends? Do I tell my family? How do I tell them without seeming like I'm just crying about my problems? Everytime I try to talk about my anxiety it feels like people aren't really getting it so I kinda just keep it all inside, I'm just looking for a little support I guess.

I've suffered frm panic attacks then panic disorder since age ov 11...... Yeah , it's hard findin the right people to open up to and goin by experience .. No one will ever truly understand

04-08-2013, 02:50 PM
Well we all experience anxiety from worry to full fear mostly at appropriate times but when the severity of inappropriate fear interferes with normal live it's too much. Your friends will likely not understand, you parents might. "Normal" folks don't get panic attacks(well maaaybe a stray one) so it's not that you can't tolerate it, it's that it's too much fear! Often folks get anxiety from "hard times" in life and examining your stressors might help but otherwise, I'd meet with a counselor if you can. I'd start there with an examination of your life and experiences and go from there. That would be my advise without knowing more. You are not alone. Alankay.