View Full Version : Could you help me make sure it's just anxiety?

04-08-2013, 08:56 AM
So I'm dealing with anxiety problems for some three weeks now and would like to ask if my symptoms are regular as I constantly think if it's not something worse (though I have no history of mental illness in my family).

Namely, for most of my days I feel weird. Earlier it was some derealization, later it passed and became what I'm experiencing now - a weird feeling of confusion. For a large part of my day, even though I consciously know where I am and what is going on, I feel as if I didn't and get anxious about it. I also check the way I see and feel and try to compare it to "normal". That's why for most of my days feel as if everything was weird, though I don't know how to explain it better - I just sometimes feel as if I was copied and pasted from somewhere though I do not doubt everything is real. Sometimes everything just feels so distant and different, even when I think I'm not anxious. Today I had a while when I basically felt as I was watching my life rather than living it and even though I had full control, I felt as if I was inside my body rather than that I actually am my body. Often, when I'm busy doing something, everything is fine but as soon as I turn around to talk to somebody, I feel anxious about most of my gestures ("Have I always felt that way? Have I always thought what I am now? Was my speaking always so automatic, maybe it was more conscious?") and constantly ask myself if that's how I always perceived life.

As for physical symptoms, I sometimes get squeezing headaches, of course shortness of breath when I feel anxious and chills. The main problem of mine is that everything seems so strange and I constantly concentrate on myself and my feelings. Sometimes I just feel as if rest of my day was who-knows-when even though I consciously know it was just an hour or so ago. I'm not anti-social, I'm still very outgoing, don't have problems with feeling emotions, with coordinance or anything like that.

Is it just anxiety?

04-08-2013, 09:37 AM
Yes. All VERY normal for anxiety. I felt like this yesterday, all day. I have accepted it so its not that bad anymore, but can be very scary feeling.

04-08-2013, 09:54 AM
Anxiety is really strange and comes out in different ways on different days. The worse bit I get is it completely takes away my memory so I forget just done or said something. Also I go into overdrive sometimes and talk too much, so has affected my socialising. Panic attacks have definitely stopped me doing lots of things I used to enjoy.

04-08-2013, 10:12 AM
I often just feel "weird" too - feeling generally spaced out or detached from reality. It's no fun, that's for sure.

Even though I still question if it's anxiety everyday; one of the best things I've recently done, for peace of mind, is get a medical exam to rule out any organic health issues. I had extensive blood work and even an EKG - granted, I still have anxiety/panic at this point, and still wonder if I have a health problem daily, but it helps to know that I was recently checked out and not on the brink of a medical crisis.

04-08-2013, 10:42 AM
I see. Thanks a lot - it's so soothing to see that it first perfectly for anxiety and I can focus on fighting it rather than worrying if it's not some mental disease :)

04-08-2013, 10:56 AM
May be a touch of OCD...maybe.... which is anxiety. Alankay