View Full Version : Paranoia

04-08-2013, 12:29 AM
So in the past few months i have been having this fear where i feel like my friends are constantly talking about me or i get the feeling they don't want me there, i feel like that they are only my friends because they feel sorry for me. I have had the same group of friends for years now and i only started feeling this for a lil while, but i cannot get it off my mind and i feel like my family and friends are always talking to each other about me when i aren't around.. Its kind of like a hallucination but not.. Hard to explain, does anybody else get this?

04-08-2013, 05:44 AM
Does anybody else get these thoughts? Uh, ......everyone here. : )

Anxiety causes al kinds of irrational thoughts. I have never experienced the exact thing you are going through.

Then again, I don't have enough friends to be in that situation.

Rest assured its your anxiety causing this. If you were friends before, I doubt the y would ever be your friend because they feel sorry for someone else

I guess you'll have to find something else to worry about. : )

04-08-2013, 10:01 AM
Not felt same as you about friends but when at work I am really paranoid that people are blaming me and my head when things go wrong. Also think some people at work not like me although never had a problem with them before. I just put it down to being paranoid about being depressed etc

04-08-2013, 12:14 PM
It's so horrible, cause then i feel lonely and like i have to distance myself away from them.. And i get paranoid that people are staring at me -.- once again I'm thankful i am not alone ! And i have many things i worry about :L