View Full Version : Hello, new here, sharing my experience and asking words

04-07-2013, 04:01 PM
hello everyone

i've been with anxiety in my head for about 2 years maybe..it started after i smoked stuff..and i felt my heart beating very fast and i was very scared of that..i thought i was having a heart problem or even a heart attack.
i didn't told that to the people that were with me and tried to handle it myself, this i think has to do with the fact i always wonder what people think and can't avoid that. after that i was fine..but then it started at school...i was in a class and felt again that scary thing in my heart was sweating and all..after that i think i havent had a day without thinking whne anxiety could hit me or what could hapend.
i've been reading a lot..i have been twice to the hospital where i did echocardiograms and all was fine..so i know it's all just in my head but still i cant avoid it and these palpitations on the heart continue occurring. one thing i notice is always when i wake up i feel fine and sometimes i can be like 10 min or so without thinking on my anxiety but then i get to the "normal" state and thoughts begin and ruin my day.

i'm thinking on going to a pshycologhist..will this help me or should i try to overcome this myself?

have a good nihgt everyone

04-08-2013, 01:05 AM
IMHO it is best to seek professional help with this stuff. They can help give you the tools to help yourself feel better. If our bodies were sick we wouldn't hesitate to see a doctor for help. It is the same thing with our heads and emotions. At some point our emotions 'get the flu' and there is nothing wrong or shameful about seeing someone about it :)

All the best! We are here for you too! You are not alone in this.

04-08-2013, 10:15 AM
I agree, just because it is your head not your body, you should not hesitate to go and see your doctor and see what he can do to help you. There is lots of help out there once you ask for it. It is not worth suffering without asking for help.

04-08-2013, 10:21 AM
Weed is notorious for causing first time panic attacks. Heck, I think recent binge drinking around new years and my b-day caused my onset; it changes your brain chemistry....