View Full Version : hey guys, been a while!

04-07-2013, 03:33 PM
Hiya everyone, most of you won't know me and some of you might remember me, I was on here a while ago with my anxiety problems, which I believed was the end of my life.
I'm here to hopefully give some of you hope.
I'll never forget the help I got on here, so if your new your in the right place. Reassuance and support is brilliant to start you on your way.
I know anxiety like the back of my hand. The constant checking yourself, your heart, your pulse, your thinking patterns, the constant worry. I had it all. Its coming up to a year now of when anxiety first got me. Hit me like a bullet. I couldn't leave my bedroom at one point. Stayed there for nearly 3 weeks only leaving when I'd convinced myself I'd gone mad and ran to the hospital. Whatever your going through I can assure you I went through it too. And I've come out the other side.
I am better than I have ever been my whole life. I still have a few issues that are anxiety related but I now live a better life than I ever did before.
You can do it too. Trust me. Stop worrying. Stop checking. Give yourselfs goals to reach. Mine started with walking to the local shop. Seriously, it felt like my heart was being pulled out my chest but I did it, the next day I walked further than the shop then back home, everyday I made myself go further for longer and today I can go ANYWHERE without a second thought. I go out, socialise with friends, go to families house completely alone, jump on buses go shopping, I can do it all and you can too. $
Trust yourself, trust anxiety. Its only there because you allow it to be, face your fears Or they'll always be there, you need to pick yourself up. No one else will do it, rely on nobody other than youself. You are your own cure. I know how hard it is. I really honestly do. But like me you can crack this. Trust me when I say you won't feel like this forever. Take control of anxiety don't let it control you. Anxietyy is like a broken foot, you know ts broken so you let it heal, you don't constantly poke it to check on it do you? Because if you do it doesn't get better. That's how you should treat anxiety (I read this in a book it really helped lol)
FORGET ANXIETY. Forget it there. Fuck your fears and move on! I did it. You can do it too.
Get on with your life today. Push yourself harder than you ever have and one day this will all seem like a bad patch in your life. Trust me its true.
Good luck. You can do it.