View Full Version : Family makes me anxious!!!!!

04-07-2013, 12:53 PM
Right now I live in Florida, and I really like it...it's actually been good for me here, but this upcoming week, my husband and I are going back to Minnesota (where we are originally from) and visiting with family.

This is stressing me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When his parents came to visit us in January, I couldn't sleep and all the control I'd been working on went right out the window. They are MAJOR control freaks on top of it. I know that even 'normal' functioning adults get stressed about their family...but...whoa...I'm...like...not even close to that!

My sleep schedule is out of whack again, I'm trying to keep it together, but I am totally dreading this trip.

Plus, we are sadly moving in July....to South Dakota... :( No more sunshine.....I'm REALLY mourning this. We were only here for a residency, but the improvements in my mental health have been spectacular.

I'm usually very anxious, but I feel depression creeping in (in fact, I think it already took it's shoes off and climbed in bed....bastard! :P ). If your reading this, thanks...it helps to put this out there :)

04-07-2013, 12:59 PM
.....after reading this, I realize, I must seem so ungrateful....I'm not....and I really do try my best to be thankful everyday.

....I guess I'm just feeling low :(

04-07-2013, 01:09 PM
Your not ungrateful .... Like u sed , it's good just to get it out !! I find its great on here just to " air " things as even typing I find its like talking to sumone....

I live in England so we just got "cold " cannot believe its spring , we still bin avin flutterings of snow !! Weather soooo mixed up

04-07-2013, 02:56 PM
Good luck with your family, I don't think you are alone with struggling with pressures of family, especially if you don't see them often and they don't understand depression.

Family visit and house move all stressful so no surprise you are struggling.

If depression starting don't leave it too long before you get help.

Hope it all goes better for you than you expect.