View Full Version : Scared of brain aneurysm?? Anyone else?

04-06-2013, 10:25 PM
So i just learned about brain aneurysm today & they scare me. Im curious how rare they are & if im at risk? - im 20 years old - no family history - i dont smoke - i dont drink caffeine - i do 30-40 minutes of cardio daily - i try to eat healthy. - i get headaches occasionally but i think they're due to stress & anxiety. ive never been checked for brain aneurysms, & i also dont have insurance at the moment. But can someone give me more info on this? Its becoming my new anxiety obsession.

a l i c i a
04-06-2013, 11:42 PM
So i just learned about brain aneurysm today & they scare me. Im curious how rare they are & if im at risk? - im 20 years old - no family history - i dont smoke - i dont drink caffeine - i do 30-40 minutes of cardio daily - i try to eat healthy. - i get headaches occasionally but i think they're due to stress & anxiety. ive never been checked for brain aneurysms, & i also dont have insurance at the moment. But can someone give me more info on this? Its becoming my new anxiety obsession.

Courtney this was my most recent obsession as well. My dad actually just has brain surgery for a brain aneurism. He had no symptoms of it whatsoever. He randomly had a seizure about four years ago which doctors determined was no related to the aneurism. He had to have an MRI because of the seizure and that's how they found it, but what in trying to say is just because you have a headache that doesn't mean it's an aneurism. Once the doctor started the surgery he said the size of the aneurism was so big that he was surprised it hadn't ruptured. So I would say it would have to be a pretty horrible and intense headache to be due to that. Your probably having tension headaches. I'm having them really bad rough now too and they are the worst. I'm miserable. Just try to relax and not stress about it cause that just makes it much worse. I know that's easier said than done, but tension headaches are brought on by stress. I hope you start feeling better!

a l i c i a
04-06-2013, 11:45 PM
Wow, I messed that all up! Sorry! :)

04-07-2013, 12:17 AM
Courtney this was my most recent obsession as well. My dad actually just has brain surgery for a brain aneurism. He had no symptoms of it whatsoever. He randomly had a seizure about four years ago which doctors determined was no related to the aneurism. He had to have an MRI because of the seizure and that's how they found it, but what in trying to say is just because you have a headache that doesn't mean it's an aneurism. Once the doctor started the surgery he said the size of the aneurism was so big that he was surprised it hadn't ruptured. So I would say it would have to be a pretty horrible and intense headache to be due to that. Your probably having tension headaches. I'm having them really bad rough now too and they are the worst. I'm miserable. Just try to relax and not stress about it cause that just makes it much worse. I know that's easier said than done, but tension headaches are brought on by stress. I hope you start feeling better!

Yeah! Ive always tried to avoid looking up symptoms, but my friend was telling me a story about a girl who had one, so i looked it up cause i didnt know what they were. I got so scared! Just because there is no symptoms, i know they're rare in younger people but still possible. After i started obsessing over it is when i got the headache. I learned that a lot of people have them but a lot of the times they don't rupture. I really wish my friend would have never said anything about it, then i wouldnt have this stress.
Ive never had any of the symptoms, though there isnt always symptoms, i think it scares me more because there is usually no symptoms. I know im more than likely okay at my age, but you can't help but think what if's.

a l i c i a
04-07-2013, 12:37 AM
Yeah! Ive always tried to avoid looking up symptoms, but my friend was telling me a story about a girl who had one, so i looked it up cause i didnt know what they were. I got so scared! Just because there is no symptoms, i know they're rare in younger people but still possible. After i started obsessing over it is when i got the headache. I learned that a lot of people have them but a lot of the times they don't rupture. I really wish my friend would have never said anything about it, then i wouldnt have this stress.
Ive never had any of the symptoms, though there isnt always symptoms, i think it scares me more because there is usually no symptoms. I know im more than likely okay at my age, but you can't help but think what if's.

It's scary. I just had an MRI two months ago cause I was so scared I had one. But the are hereditary so my doctor thought it would be a good idea. Seeing as you didn't have the headaches until your friend brought it up, I'd say its definitely a tension headache or nothing at all. We can make ourselves think we feel things that really aren't there. It's crazy to me though that the people around us don't know what to say and what not to say to us. You can't just say something like that to someone with anxiety and think they won't freak out.