View Full Version : Need to unload

04-05-2013, 09:42 PM
These past 2 years have been filled with paralizing anxiety, heart palps especially while laying flat in bed, many changes in medication for bp and heart rate as well as anxiety and depression, extreme weight gain of 50 plus pounds and a debilitating feeling of pure worthlessness. I'm to the point I can't even cry anymore. What gives? Will this pass? Or will it defeat me? Please give me an ounce of hope. I feel so numb. Tried therapy and journaling but it's not helped

04-06-2013, 09:24 AM
Was there ever an underlying medical condition ever found to cause this anxiety or do they feel you're just an anxious person? What meds have been tried, for how long at what dose? Alankay

04-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Never not once. I took a prescrip for hormonal acne and it was actually used for bp as well in other patients. I was on phentermine diet pill which I have used on and off over 10 years. Never a second of trouble. Then boom had the mother of all attacks at work thought I was dying called the ambulance and they put me in hospital. Since that day I have not been the same. They put me on anxiety meds, bp meds, depression meds and nexium all at once. I gained over 50 pounds in 2 years and I have been warped every since. I just want to run and not look back on all this. They were adament it was the diet pills but I don't agree. I never had bp or heart rate issues. That was just their easy answer and now I'm a wreck emotionally and physically.

04-06-2013, 05:11 PM
If it was from the stimulant I think it would have passed by now. Your system would have adjusted in time I think but what meds for anxiety/depression have you been on? Alankay

04-06-2013, 05:25 PM
I tried Wellbutrin lexapro Paxil Prozac been off Prozac about 6 weeks now only Ativan 0.5 I take one or two a day.

04-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Your thyroid/testosterone was checked, etc?

04-06-2013, 07:01 PM
I tried Wellbutrin and it gave me anxiety attacks. That one increases Dopamine and for me those kind of meds, Cymbalta incl give me anxiety. I found Prozac to be good but it can take up to 6 weeks to work. I was on that for years with good results but then it pooped out and changed to Zoloft. Worked fab for years then it pooped out and now waiting to changed meds.

How long where U on prozac for?
Did U just stop taking them cold turkey? Or did U tapper down?

04-06-2013, 07:32 PM
Propanalol is good ... Slows ur heart rate down .. I've bin on it for a few yrs now but weaned myself more or less off it now .. Also sertraline ( even tho its an anti-depressant ) I was given it as kan also help wid anxiety

04-06-2013, 10:05 PM
Blessed don't give up! It will get better. I am kind of feeling the same way tonight. Pretty down and defeated. I have made about 75% recovery this past year but these past few weeks have just sucked! I am just so over all this BS! I want to be normal again! Sadly doctors kind of suck when it comes to anxiety. They just want to pump you full of meds. Check out the below link. It's some customer reviews from this book ive been using. I swear I am not a sales man or something but it just really has helped me and several of my friends who are anxiety sufferers. Like I said ive made great progress since ive been implementing the things the book suggests. You just need to keep pushing forward. Keep searching for answers. Try different remedies. I've read so many success stories and thats what I use to keep me going.
