View Full Version : Can't leave my house

Justin J
04-05-2013, 04:31 PM

I'm new here and unfortunately I can't leave my house because of how I look. I recognize that I need to lose weight and I'm doing just that. You will see what I mean. Here is a pic of me:


Everyday is a struggle to leave the house. When I'm out of the house I walk with my head down because people stare at me. I walk into the supermarket and everyone looks at me when I walk by.

If you can give me some helpful advice then that would be great. I'm not sure I'm ready for a councilor. I don't think I'll keep it up.

Thank you.

04-05-2013, 05:42 PM
IDK, Unless you pic is wrong you may have a bit of Body Dysmorphic Disorder(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder) as well as anxiety because look within a "normal" range, whatever that is to me. You look fine. Many of us can stand some weight lose. Alankay

04-05-2013, 08:15 PM
Justin, my friend. There is nothing weird or wrong with how you look. I am not just saying this to make you feel good, I am very blunt and I am telling you, you do not look bad at all. Your face is completely normal. I think you have a problem where you see yourself differently than other people such as what Alan Kay was saying. People are not staring at you like you think either. Or maybe girls are staring at you because they think you are cute. Look buddy, you need to get real help for this. This is all in your mind. I would go to an MD or Psychiatrist or some specialist and get a referral to go to someone who specializes in Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Paranoia. This is from your mind. You look good! Please reach out and get help.

04-06-2013, 08:39 AM
Yeah, the two above posts are so spot on.

I don't know where you live, but in England we had a guy with your sort of look enter a talent show. Dude gets so many girls. I've also just been to the supermarket, and I have seen a hundred worse looking guys there.

Do get help for this, because I had it in my teens. I didn't go out much, and when I did I wore lots of protective garmets like big hearphones a hat and sunglasses. But this is treatable, and getting the right help will allow you to live a normal life. Don't settle for this low level of living. Ever. You're much better. You could have a great social life, meet a great girl. There is nothing physically bad about you. I actually like your look. I like that short wavy hair look. This is a mental hang up

You can not get the help if you choose to, it's your life. You can carry on as you are. I just wouldn't recommend it. Somebody is trained to deal with BDD. All the emotion, embarrassment and anxiety, they are trained to deal with it, and it won't phase them. If you lose a little weight and cut up, like you want, you're gonna be a good looking guy... Don't let youth pass you by because of anxiety. Fight it all the way.

04-07-2013, 02:57 AM
Dude! You are already a good looking guy!! I do not give false compliments either! Most girls, and I am one of them, don't really like skinny guys. We like to feel something other than bones when we hug a guy!!

Don't let some lie that's in your head keeP you from living life joyfully!

And please do see a professional about this. You don't have to live like this anymore.