View Full Version : I'm new here and I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind
04-05-2013, 01:53 PM
Hey. I don't know what made me download this app but here I am. I suffer from OCD and Social Anxiety. (Self diagnosed agoraphobia). I have always has issues with anxiety, as far back as I.can remember so ita not new...what is new is the speed in which I seem to be getting worse. I don't like to be around people, strangers, family, friends....its so.stressful. if I had it my way I would be home all day with my dogs. Just the act of making plans sends me into a panic. I realized it had cross the line of being "quirky" to being a serious issue when I struggle to go watch my kid play baseball which is something I used to love, never missed a game. In general I feel like everyone is looking at me and judging me. My girlfriends are in a road trip to a winery in south Texas....I couldn't go because is be trapped away from home. Wtf?! My husband is trying to plan a trip to Jamaica and I can't do it because I'd be trapped. I have to have an escape plan, a way to get out quickly. Something has to change and it has to change quickly before I lose what's left of my mind.
Does anyone else feel this way? Am I crazy? Should I check into a mental institution? What do I do?
04-05-2013, 02:09 PM
Hey. I don't know what made me download this app but here I am. I suffer from OCD and Social Anxiety. (Self diagnosed agoraphobia). I have always has issues with anxiety, as far back as I.can remember so ita not new...what is new is the speed in which I seem to be getting worse. I don't like to be around people, strangers, family, friends....its so.stressful. if I had it my way I would be home all day with my dogs. Just the act of making plans sends me into a panic. I realized it had cross the line of being "quirky" to being a serious issue when I struggle to go watch my kid play baseball which is something I used to love, never missed a game. In general I feel like everyone is looking at me and judging me. My girlfriends are in a road trip to a winery in south Texas....I couldn't go because is be trapped away from home. Wtf?! My husband is trying to plan a trip to Jamaica and I can't do it because I'd be trapped. I have to have an escape plan, a way to get out quickly. Something has to change and it has to change quickly before I lose what's left of my mind.
Does anyone else feel this way? Am I crazy? Should I check into a mental institution? What do I do?
I suffer frm panic disorder and also don't like big open spaces and I also struggle goin certain places as I feel trapped and I hav to hav an escape route... I dnt mind been around pple " unless I'm having an attack , then I get a bit agitated" .... Have u spoken to yr dctr ?
I've been to Jamaica ... It's great ... Wa part u goin ? I went country and tourist as I stayed with a friend and her family out there.
04-05-2013, 05:36 PM
Anxiety is a condition that is treated outpatient the vast majority of the time. I agree with your assessment. SA, maybe some "agoraphobia like" anxiety. I'd see my doc and a therapist to go over your life, history, address any reason for your anxiety and if none found, considered meds and education on anxiety. There is help out there for sure. Alankay
04-07-2013, 08:05 PM
If your crazy then I'm crazy because this sounds just like me 😞
Not worry - I have panic attacks and anxiety with my depression. I have stopped all social life and hate shopping or town or watching football which I love because I hate the loud noises and constant noise. I also hate meeting people. However, still trying to keep my job which is really hard to do as have to act like I am well all day.
04-17-2013, 02:41 AM
What you guys describe sounds familiar to me too.
Additionally, i have this weird fear of feeling left out of the social stuff going ón where i work. I want to be part of it, but I afraid I will ruin them and myself. I am not the social type, but I do need other people in my life. How to be introvert and maintain long lasting friendsships? Even with most if the people I call friends, I can feel the pressure of having to perform and Be something. Like I cannot show them the Real Me, because I was taught I am ugly and a beast and should hide and be someone else.
How to have the courage to be true to my self about my self?
:) kind thoughts to you also struggling bravely
AnxietyDiva: I don't think your crazy! If I were u, I would go on these trips, and feel grateful about your opportunities to have family and friends who will share their time and life with you.
Maybe you are a perfectionist and feel failure when things aren't perfect? Is that where your trapped-feeling comes from? what are you afraid of? As for the rest of us, maybe we don't have that much to be afraid of,when we understand ourselves?
04-26-2013, 10:46 AM
Bringing this thread back to life because all of the above symptoms are me! I am an introvert and unfortunately most people don't really know what the true definition of that is. Also, no one believes me when I tell them I am because I appear as a very confident, outgoing, chatty person. The issue is, I HATE having to be that way and it totally drains me and I can't wait to get somewhere that I can be alone and "recharge". Extroverts get their energy from other people, introverts get drained by other people and need alone time to charge their batteries.
I don't vacation and even a day trip is something I dread. I don't want to travel, I don't want to go to social events, and I would love to be home with my dogs and husband for the rest of my life - I think I could be very content. Unfortunately I have to go to work every day and I have to attend some of the obligatory work functions and family functions but am always staring at my watch so that I can get out ASAP.
I don't know what the "cure" to this is. Meds don't help that part of it - I think we just have to accept, at least in my case, that I am fine with my own company and consider idle chit chat and casual outings an intrusion of my alone time and something that irritates me. I know I have to "fake it" sometimes, but I have accepted that I will never enjoy it. Or perhaps I'm just an anti-social bitch. LOL
People think I am confident and extrovert because of how I work and do my job, but I am not and hate making social chat or going to parties where you have to try talking to people you don't,'t know.
During this bout of depression I have lost my social life with friends, and would much rather just stay at home in my safe environment.
But I have pushed myself in the last few months to join 2 meditation groups and find the meditation and people really good and this time I have found I can walk into a group and join where I don't know anyone much easier than going out with old friends.
Since I have had knee operations, i have also had to concede that i cannot walk to work but I hate being one to one in taxis but have pushed myself recently to use taxis too.
04-26-2013, 08:40 PM
I completely get what you're saying. Embracing introversion by giving yourself time to recharge your batteries is something I've been working on since starting therapy. Taking care of yourself is the most important thing to do, especially when you feel low like this. Unfortunately, people who deal with anxiety are probably the ones least likely to practice self care, I think.
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