View Full Version : I thought I was making a little progress....

04-05-2013, 08:54 AM
If you read my first post you know my story….

During the past couple of weeks (eh, maybe more like week and a couple days), I thought I was making some headway over my anxiety and panic; I felt like I may be “leveling” out a bit - but now it almost seems like I’m regressing.

I didn’t even need meds - .5mg of Ativan, once a day, if I felt edgy; but other than that, I was good for the most part.


Throughout most of this ordeal, I was at least able to sleep well most night – not so much now. I’ve been going to bed, often with the feeling of something just “not being quite right.” Then wake up at 3am feeling weird and stay awake pretty much the remainder of the night; falling half asleep just as my girlfriend is getting up for work.
For most people – no big deal, just go back to sleep when she leaves for work. That brings me to a new symptom I’ve been experiencing.

Sudden fear of being alone

When I’m alone in the apartment I’ve notice my anxiety is heightened. Intrusive thoughts begin to race through my head – “what if something happens to me and I need help?”, “what if I pass out and nobody is around to know?” – Then my breathing feels funny, I get light headed and it’s all downhill from there.

As embarrassing as it sounds – I often drive to my parents (retired) house during the day, just so I’m not alone.

This aspect of my anxiety is really crappy and decreases the quality of my life greatly. It’s like I can’t really enjoy anything – even when I focus on a hobby 100%, I feel good and get some relief, but it’s always very temporary; and of course, my psyche always reminds me of that shadow standing just behind me – waiting for my concentration to break for just a second, so the panic can flood back in.

This whole situation just really sucks – I loved driving new places, the outdoors, and SCUBA diving; I could even fly and travel by myself.

AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME, I FEEL LIKE I’M INCAPABLE OF DOING ANY OF THEM! I would just panic and it would end badly. I honestly, never could foresee myself getting like this : (

04-05-2013, 06:00 PM
If you read my first post you know my story….

During the past couple of weeks (eh, maybe more like week and a couple days), I thought I was making some headway over my anxiety and panic; I felt like I may be “leveling” out a bit - but now it almost seems like I’m regressing.

I didn’t even need meds - .5mg of Ativan, once a day, if I felt edgy; but other than that, I was good for the most part.


Throughout most of this ordeal, I was at least able to sleep well most night – not so much now. I’ve been going to bed, often with the feeling of something just “not being quite right.” Then wake up at 3am feeling weird and stay awake pretty much the remainder of the night; falling half asleep just as my girlfriend is getting up for work.
For most people – no big deal, just go back to sleep when she leaves for work. That brings me to a new symptom I’ve been experiencing.

Sudden fear of being alone

When I’m alone in the apartment I’ve notice my anxiety is heightened. Intrusive thoughts begin to race through my head – “what if something happens to me and I need help?”, “what if I pass out and nobody is around to know?” – Then my breathing feels funny, I get light headed and it’s all downhill from there.

As embarrassing as it sounds – I often drive to my parents (retired) house during the day, just so I’m not alone.

This aspect of my anxiety is really crappy and decreases the quality of my life greatly. It’s like I can’t really enjoy anything – even when I focus on a hobby 100%, I feel good and get some relief, but it’s always very temporary; and of course, my psyche always reminds me of that shadow standing just behind me – waiting for my concentration to break for just a second, so the panic can flood back in.

This whole situation just really sucks – I loved driving new places, the outdoors, and SCUBA diving; I could even fly and travel by myself.

AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME, I FEEL LIKE I’M INCAPABLE OF DOING ANY OF THEM! I would just panic and it would end badly. I honestly, never could foresee myself getting like this : (

I suffer from all the anxities of being alone & have the EXACT same worries as u as to why i dont want to be alone. Especially becoz i have a 4yr old daughter home with me. Im on meds now & slowly trying to go about my normal life again.

04-05-2013, 06:07 PM
I definitely can relate - it isn't easy. Hope you find a path to normalcy : )

04-05-2013, 10:48 PM
Well - I've been avoiding it, but while hanging out with friends I drank (Bacardi and Coke) tonight.

The reason why I post, the almost constant feeling of tight throat and labored breathing feeling, that has been bothering me daily, is gone while under the influence of alcohol.

04-07-2013, 05:01 PM
Not too great of a day today - I think of another week of struggle and anxiety, and it's really starting to wear me down. Another week with lot's of alone time to flare up my anxiety/panic/symptoms....

04-07-2013, 06:38 PM
Well - I've been avoiding it, but while hanging out with friends I drank (Bacardi and Coke) tonight.

The reason why I post, the almost constant feeling of tight throat and labored breathing feeling, that has been bothering me daily, is gone while under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol loosens your inhibitions, so you aren't really going to feel those same anxiety symptoms when you are a bit tipsy. I think the key is being able to achieve that feeling without the alcohol. I try to control my anxiety with breathing techniques. It does help.