View Full Version : Queation about mornings?

07-13-2007, 06:50 AM
While you are having your spells of anxiety how do you feel in the morning? I wake up earlier than I need to with a racing heart and butterflies in my stomach. What do you guys feel like?

Hey Guys
07-13-2007, 08:25 AM
the exact same way.

07-13-2007, 11:08 AM
Your telling me. Since I have been overloaded with work from my boss, over the last 6 months I have become extremely streesed. Last week I started shaking, getting tingling in my arms, nerves jumping and a racing heart which I could feel in my hands.

Last Tuesday, I went to the doctors and he took my blood pressure, it was a little bit high.

Since then I have been getting really anxious. On Wednesday I was a complete an utter mess. Heart racing, worrying etc all bloody day long. Thinking that this is the end of my life. Bloody stupid.

As from yesterday I made a bold statment to calm down, and I mean calm down. I am trying not get stressed at work, infact I am learning to laugh it off. Its only a job, and my health comes first and foremost.