View Full Version : Endoscopy

04-04-2013, 12:31 AM
Im having a endoscopy on may 3rd so scared inwont wake up from it they are going to put me under cause i have bad anxiety and could be twitchy jus doing the local anastetic I hope this ain't my fate i hate how my mind works and thinks zoloft hasn't kicked in yet

04-04-2013, 01:07 AM
I have had it done twice and it was totally fine! It is a very safe procedure. Very basic and they do them all the time don't worry!

04-04-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi, i had an endoscope done about 6 weeks ago. I was that scared to have it done i put up with a year of pain before i could get the strength and the courage to have the endoscopy done. On the day i was real scared managed to get into the waiting room before i started to freak out. Sweating , crying ,shaking etc. While i was waiting to go in a man came out that had just had it done. He was calm and relaxed and seeing him made me feel better. Then it was my turn , i explained my fear to the team of nurses as well informing them about the health anxiety i have. They were great and talked me through everything!

After a little chat i decided to have a go and be awake as i was real scared to be sedated not only that i hate needles. If i couldnt cope with being awake then they would sedate me. Well i did it and to tell you the truth it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. Dont get me wrong i wouldnt go rushing to have it done again however it was ok. I round it uncomfortable around the throat for about a day but my stomach felt fine. I also had biopsy's taken and i didnt feel that. They said there was a bid of acid in the stomach but no sign of anything bad. I had to wait a couple of weeks for the biopsy results which were also ok.

Believe me if i can have this done anyone can.........It took the doctors a whole year of asking me to get this done. The anxiety got the better of me and was putting so much fear into my head. I did google my symptoms and looking back this made things worse . As the internet informed me that i was dying from about 10 different things but i still had to google.

I was frightened more about the results than the procedure itself. All i can say is try and relax about things. If you do have anything that they can spot they can normally treat it with medications. The doctor i had was doing 15 endoscopes from 9am-12pm and they do that everyday all through the year. You are in safe hands and they know what they are doing. You will be ok and they will also tell you that.

take care