View Full Version : Exposure therapy

04-03-2013, 04:29 PM
My therapist is having me do exposure therapy, and strangely enough, I am excited! I'm excited that I might be able to beat this!

He said when I have another "physical symptom" I cannot google, text my family, take medication, or go to the doctor. I will sit in my anxiety. I will let it take it's time to pass. It will be the most difficult thing, but I will see that I come out on the other side happy. I will journal, self-talk, go to therapy, and talk with my husband.

I'be already written in my journal the reasons why I should not worry about my health. It is not natural for people to chase doctors. It's not natural to poke and prod looking for problems.

I'm gonna try my best. Wish me luck.

04-04-2013, 07:12 AM
My therapist gave me the same advice stop seeking reassurance from health professionals family or google
Expose my self to my fears
So if I'm scared of dying I should write a will or go to a grave yard
If I m scared of illness I should visit a hospital
So u get used to those thought and eventually u they become normal
It s not as easy as it sounds and it certainly don't fulfil the miracle of