View Full Version : Less common symptoms/lengthy post

04-03-2013, 10:04 AM
Hi I was on the forums before for a short period. My anxiety went way down but has since returned over the past year or so looking to vent/let it out a little. So about a year and a half ago I started having frequent urination. When my anxiety first started at 16 it was the most common symptoms heart racing/fear of dying/heart palp/breathing etc. So I went to the doctor when my need to go bathroom became a lot. I googled saw diabetes as a possibility went had blood work/urine sample all came back perfect. The urge went away. Then last summer in July I had it again before going on vacation which later realized I was having anxiety about being away from home. Once home from the vacation it again went away.

Fast forward to February of this year it has come back and not gone away. And I have been have been getting constipated. It is like all my anxiety has stopped focusing on my heart and now has moved to worrying about going to the bathroom. The only thing I can think of this is my first year doing taxes and I started getting anxious about them in January. I can't stop thinking what if I owe tons of money where will I get the money (don't have the best job). I type transcripts from home so I have to take money out of my paychecks and put it aside for taxes. I am afraid I didn't take enough out.

I googled some more over the months and found some people do indeed get frequent urination from anxiety but not as common. I looked more into diabetes and other symptoms like thirst, hunger, weight loss. None of which are happening eating the same drinking the same. I have now been checking my weight everyday it has stayed the same all these months. Sorry for this being so long. I understand if no one reads it. I just don't have a lot of people to talk to. My parents and friends are supportive but don't fully understand anxiety and how bad it can be. I know googling is bad for anxiety so I only probably made it worst by doing so.

04-03-2013, 11:44 AM
Anxiety can cause you to worry about anything! When I started with anxiety at 17, it was ALL about my heart. Then my anxiety went away and it has just since returned. It was all about my breathing, and now it's about my throat and it "feeling like its going to close" or get choked on something. Anxiety is evil.

04-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Weird - since the onset of my anxiety/panic in February, I have to pee like crazy! Way more often than normal during the day while anxious; yet never at night while asleep.

I've had extensive blood work done, so I know I'm not diabetic.

04-05-2013, 06:10 PM
Hi I was on the forums before for a short period. My anxiety went way down but has since returned over the past year or so looking to vent/let it out a little. So about a year and a half ago I started having frequent urination. When my anxiety first started at 16 it was the most common symptoms heart racing/fear of dying/heart palp/breathing etc. So I went to the doctor when my need to go bathroom became a lot. I googled saw diabetes as a possibility went had blood work/urine sample all came back perfect. The urge went away. Then last summer in July I had it again before going on vacation which later realized I was having anxiety about being away from home. Once home from the vacation it again went away.

Fast forward to February of this year it has come back and not gone away. And I have been have been getting constipated. It is like all my anxiety has stopped focusing on my heart and now has moved to worrying about going to the bathroom. The only thing I can think of this is my first year doing taxes and I started getting anxious about them in January. I can't stop thinking what if I owe tons of money where will I get the money (don't have the best job). I type transcripts from home so I have to take money out of my paychecks and put it aside for taxes. I am afraid I didn't take enough out.

I googled some more over the months and found some people do indeed get frequent urination from anxiety but not as common. I looked more into diabetes and other symptoms like thirst, hunger, weight loss. None of which are happening eating the same drinking the same. I have now been checking my weight everyday it has stayed the same all these months. Sorry for this being so long. I understand if no one reads it. I just don't have a lot of people to talk to. My parents and friends are supportive but don't fully understand anxiety and how bad it can be. I know googling is bad for anxiety so I only probably made it worst by doing so.

I have read so many forums that i have replied to with 'yes i felt that' i swear i had every symptom in the book ! .
I was frequently urinating, getting up numerous times through the night & all through the day too. But this was before i had my 1st big attack (but had suffered chest tightness). I got tested for pregnancy & had blood tests but nothing. Now i realise i was anxious ! Once anxiety & panic attacks were ruled as the cause it stopped, but when i do feel edgy i make numerous trips to the toilet

04-08-2013, 02:28 PM
Thanks for the replies. Some days it is worst than others for me. Glad I am not alone with these symptoms. I though it was just weird that for years I worried about my heart and breathing, and now the last two years or so it has become needing to go to the bathroom. I honestly don't know what is worst worrying about my heart or having to go bathroom a lot.

I have had so many tests over the years all came back healthy. I just can't get it in my head that there is truly nothing wrong no matter how many tests come back good. I have always been a hypercondriac, but since my anxiety has started it's only made it worst.

Again thanks for the replies. I hope all of you are good and managing anxiety better than I am these days.

04-08-2013, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the replies. Some days it is worst than others for me. Glad I am not alone with these symptoms. I though it was just weird that for years I worried about my heart and breathing, and now the last two years or so it has become needing to go to the bathroom. I honestly don't know what is worst worrying about my heart or having to go bathroom a lot.

I have had so many tests over the years all came back healthy. I just can't get it in my head that there is truly nothing wrong no matter how many tests come back good. I have always been a hypercondriac, but since my anxiety has started it's only made it worst.

Again thanks for the replies. I hope all of you are good and managing anxiety better than I am these days.

Ive always been a hypocondriac too. Ive had numerous cancers been pregnant that many times i lost count brain tumours infections diseases. Then the anxiety came on full force for the 1st time & that made it even worse. I was in the emergency ward crying to the reception that i was dying. When they checked everything & done qn ecg on my heart which came back all clear i asked 'what about my brain what if i have a brain tumour'