View Full Version : The Big Picture

V for Victor
07-12-2007, 11:04 PM
I've had some rough times over the past few days with my anxiety and depression, and this evening I'm feeling reflective and pensive. So with your indulgence, I'd just like to ramble...

I've gotten really into astronomy lately. The past several weeks I've been outside with my binoculars and telescope marveling at the splendors of the night sky. It's a void that stretches on and on, well beyond the limits of the imagination.

For me, trying to wrap my mind around the massiveness of the universe has been more therapeutic than anything else I can think of. Realizing how tiny we are in the universe has made me see how easy it is to forget who we really are. It's so easy to get caught up in our own little lives, zooming in on the ultra-fine details of our own problems and frustrations. We miss the big picture.

Do yourself a favor: Step outside on a clear night, and zoom OUT from your life and your problems. Just look at the stars, and think how amazing it is that you can actually see objects that are billions of miles away just with the naked eye. Is there intelligent life out there? Who knows. Does it really matter when there's intelligent life next door, down the street, and across the globe? We're all we've got, and maybe we're all we need.

You may be lost in a personal universe of anxiety and depression, but there you can know that you're not alone. We may not know how we got there, why we're there, or where we're headed, but we're in it together.

We'll just keep taking it a step at a time, learn from our mistakes, and use a natural power to work through our problems; the same power that has allowed mankind to go from gliding a few feet off the ground to flying to the moon and back: The Human Mind.

I don't believe that there is a one among us who is doomed to suffer with anxiety and depression for the rest of their life. You have the mental capacity to learn what the problem is, and thereby learn to cope with it and continue with your life. You also have the great fortune of living in a time in history where more is understood about the mind than ever before, with new discoveries being made every year. You're not fighting this by yourself. The trail has been blazed by others before you, and science is on your side.

Maybe your thing isn't astronomy. Whatever it is that lifts you up and relaxes you, remember to take time to stop and enjoy it, and see what it can really open your eyes to.

Anyway, these are some of the things that I've come to know under the stars. I wanted to share these musings with you. :)

Remember, you're not alone.

07-15-2007, 12:11 AM
Very well said Victor. It is good if you can find a hobby/outlet that takes your mind off things. For me it is running...others have suggested cooking. Might give you astronomy a try :)