View Full Version : The Vengeance of Anxiety

04-03-2013, 02:03 AM
So I have been pretty panic free for a while now and tonight BOOM it came back and came back hard. I think when you have the low level anxiety every day you are somewhat used to it. But when you've been anxiety free for a while it can come back with a vengeance. I haven't gone into full blown panic attack but man I feel the potential for it. I tried my best to get up out of bed and distract myself. I took a few doses of rescue remedy and finally said screw it and ate a Klonapin. I have actually never taken one for a panic attack. I only use them for sleep so I feel like its a step back after making so much progress but damn I would rather take a step back then lose it. This post is more as a distraction for me right now and just a general vent. Does anyone else get like horrible shivers from extreme panic. Daily anxiety hasn't causes it much for me but this is making me shiver so hard my teeth are chattering at times. I suppose it could be from the rush of adrenaline.

Anyways I know sometimes anxiety sufferers can feel so weak and hopeless but damn people we are CHAMPS. Honestly I don't know what the hell could be worse than anxiety especially full blown panic attack. Ever since I started my anxiety journey other things don't phase me as much. I don't really feel pain as much. I mean I feel it but its not bad because there is a cause and effect. Like I drop something on my foot and it hurts but I know that the pain is because I dropped something on my foot. Anxiety its like you get that pain or that rush but there is no cause to associate it with. They say that the fight or flight response is the same in animals and they feel it say when they are being chased by a predator. But for them its normal because they are like okay I see a lion that wants to eat me so now I feel this burst of adrenaline and im going to run like hell. For us we get that same burst but were looking around like where is the lion?

As much as I hate anxiety I am grateful for it. Ha. Maybe grateful is not the word. But I know one day I will overcome it fully. I have already make such progress. I feel like once you've been through this you can take on anything. I believe it makes you stronger than rock in the end. It makes you appreciate life so much more. If I have a day free of anxiety I thank God for it. It doesn't matter if I spent it doing something lame, or the sun wasn't shining, or something bad even happened. I am just so grateful to not be fearing for my life.

As I stated before this is more of me just typing away as I wait for my Klonapin to kick in. I feel like it usually takes a whole hour for me but I am feeling much calmer already. I am pretty sure I know what brought on this attack. I spent my whole day vigorously kayaking and my muscles are like jello. I don't know if I have excess adrenaline or cortisol pumping also. But this totally weak feeling in my arms and just overall not well feeling started the anxious feelings. I tried to divert but they came on stronger than ever and here I am. This same thing actually happened the last time I did some extreme kayaking.

That is the end of my rant I am going to try and sleep now. If you made it this far thanks for reading lol