View Full Version : Anxiety?

07-12-2007, 11:36 AM
I'll try to be as brief as possible. My issues started right at the end of April. I just moved from Pennsylvania to South Carolina and it was two days before I was ready to go. I was finishing up getting my house packed up and I suddenly became sick to my stomach. It was a very queasy feeling. I couldn't eat anything and it got worse into the evening. I started vomiting and went to the ER. The doctor said it could have been anxiety from the stress of moving, but also recommended I get an ultra sound on my gull bladder. About early afternoon the next day I felt back to normal with no other issues.

A week later on my way to my first day in my new office the nervous stomach started up again. I felt nauseous, but didn't vomit this time, but did have diarrhea. Later that afternoon it went away. I made a doctors appointment. Later that week my doctor put me on Nexium think I may have Acid Reflux Disease.

For two weeks I was completely fine until Memorial Day weekend. I went out to my sister's house and then in the early evening the queasy stomach started again. I began vomiting and had diarrhea. The next morning I drove home and my stomach bothered me more mildly throughout the day.

After this third episode I have developed some irrational fears now. I travel all the time for work and get nervous when thinking about traveling now. Same with flying. I did it all the time, but now get nervous at the thought of it. I am supposed to go back to PA next week to visit my friends and go rafting but am worried I might get sick.

Also, after this third episode I would have mild stomach nervousness and diarrhea randomly here and there. I started taking walks and stuff and St John's Wort. Over the past month it has started to taper off getting less and less and finally I have been relatively fine for the past two weeks. I stopped taking the SWJ last week. I had an ultra sound on my gull bladder and that came back normal. I was supposed to have an endoscopy done but canceled because I was feeling ok again.

Yesterday I had a bad day at work. Someone yelled at me about something and that made rather tense the rest of the day. I got a tension headache later in the day and when I got home I had an email from a friend of mine who was notifying me about another friends of ours who is seriously ill that he isn't doing well. After reading this, my stomach started acting up. I lost my appetite and didn't eat dinner. I went to bed at 8:00 but didn't fall asleep until after midnight. I kept running to the bathroom to pee and I couldn't sleep because I had tons of thoughts racing through my mind and my stomach kept gurgling. When I woke up this morning I had the dry heaves. I stayed home from work today and have been feeling a little better but I haven't eaten much. I am actually leaving in a few minute to back to my gastroenterologist's office.

I want to note that while I have never had these issue until right before I moved, I have been getting tension headaches off and on for a few years as well as having issues sleeping for a long time. I always toss and turn and frequently will wake up and have trouble going back to sleep because my mind is racing with thoughts.

Does anyone think this is anxiety or could I really have a physical issue with my stomach? From what I am reading here it sounds like anxiety to me and I am wondering if I should just start going to a psychiatrist now instead of back to the GI or my family doctor.

07-12-2007, 01:34 PM
Sounds like it to me. I would hit your family doctor and tell him of all your problems he may point you toward a therapist. I wish you better times and a healthy outcome. Just wanted to respond with something I hate it when nothing is said everyone here is important.