View Full Version : Brain tumor scare?

04-02-2013, 05:52 PM
Hello! I am a 16 year old girl with the typical hypochondriac fear. About 3 years ago i had a throat tumor scare because i would have trouble swallowing. Well not trouble i wold just feel there was a lot of mucus. Now I have a brain tumor scare. The worst thing I could have done was googling my symptoms. My symptoms include sometimes not usually i get morning migraines with nausea. They start at about 7 am and get better by 9 am. Also I get these little short mild pains over my head that last 1-3 seconds. I don't get as many as I used to. Also I rarely feel these short burs of a tingle feeling in the back of my head. I have constant arm and leg jerks. But when I googled the symptoms one of them listed seeing double vision now i swear I see double. Like if i am watching tv and i am on my phone and i look up to view the tv but i'm still looking at my phone i see double but it goes away when i look at the tv without looking at my phone and i have never noticed this until now that i read that double vision is a symptom. Not sure what to do. My mom thinks its just health anxiety and that a ct scan isn't necessary because she doesn't want me exposed to that radiation. Could it be an anxiety disorder? I couldn't use some reassurance please if anyone else is going through something like this! I also do get anxious a lot. Like I worry about a lot of things. I always think the worst case scenario.

04-02-2013, 07:50 PM
You are not alone I have and is currently going through the same thing.. I have severe health anxiety!(self-diagnosis) it's hard trying to get over this crazy symptoms without thinking you have some terrible, fatal illness

04-02-2013, 08:27 PM
You have the same symptoms as i do? Glad to know I'm not alone

04-03-2013, 01:01 AM
Same here... There are days where I am able to use the logical side of my brain and talk myself out of thinking I am always dying! I too have those very same thoughts as you and I too am so sick of constantly living with these fears!

04-03-2013, 05:23 AM
You have the same symptoms too?! Now I am really relieved that more than one person feels the same way i do

04-03-2013, 06:01 PM
Me too. My anxiety symptoms make me afraid I have a brain tumor or an anyerisym or something, which makes me more anxious ... is a vicious cycle. I hate being a hypochondriac!