View Full Version : So upset at my mom

04-02-2013, 05:09 PM
This last bout of anxiety has been difficult. I've kept a lot to myself. If anyone ever asks how I'm doing I tell them I'm trying hard, but that it's been hard. I hardly talk to my mon because she's not always very kind. This time was no different. She called to see how I was doing. I told her I've been doing well today, I've kept myself busy with a b and c. She proceeds to bring up my anxiety problem. Then she tells me I need to stop talking about it with other people. She says I'm wearing down all of my relationships and making everyone uncomfortable to the point they don't want to be around me or talk to me. She says it's the only thing I ever talk about. THAT'S NOT TRUE! I told her that in the darkest of times is when I stay the most quiet. I keep to myself because I know no one wants to talk to me. And the people she's even taking about is my own family. My brothers and sisters. I feel like such a fool for ever telling anyone about my problem. I am so deeply hurt.

04-02-2013, 05:34 PM
Hi i'd just like to say i know how u feel, my mum is kinda the same but she chooses to ignore what i tell her, although she did give me a bundle of paper work about anxiety, but i wish she would read it to understand what im going through. Anyways stay strong and dont be to hard on urself it can make anxiety worst.