View Full Version : CBT---- how long ??

04-02-2013, 04:07 PM
Hi , I'm starting CBT 2mrw with a trainee psychologist and am allowed 6 appointments only .... Will this b Enuff ? Had panic disorder since age ov 11 ( over 20yrs ) also health anxjety

04-02-2013, 05:18 PM
Generally I would say if it's been a problem for many years you'd need more sessions in order to really get a handle on your anxiety, understand your triggers, and rewire your brain's negative thought patterns into positive ones, but each individual is different so maybe you're a lucky one! :) It also depends on how you let your therapy help you and what you can do on your own to help yourself once you leave your sessions. If you feel those six sessions aren't enough, I'd suggest getting your hands on some CBT literature and books to help you better understand your anxiety. There's a lot to gain from just general knowledge to empower you to change and cope. Good luck!

04-02-2013, 06:01 PM
Took me 20 to even touch my problems. Although once you learn the method, it is pretty straight forward. I was on sedating drugs at the time, so maybe thats why. I think you can learn it all in a book anyway. If you combine the two, and carry on learning after you've finished, you should be good.

Don't they usually give 6 in the UK to start you off, and then give you more should you need it? They did it like that for me..

04-03-2013, 03:04 AM
Took me 20 to even touch my problems. Although once you learn the method, it is pretty straight forward. I was on sedating drugs at the time, so maybe thats why. I think you can learn it all in a book anyway. If you combine the two, and carry on learning after you've finished, you should be good.

Don't they usually give 6 in the UK to start you off, and then give you more should you need it? They did it like that for me..

I get 6 but that's it and its wid a trainee.... Things have changed with what yr allowed now , I was only allowed 16 psychologist app and we didnt cover everything so sum things bin left open and not dealt wid :-(

04-03-2013, 03:10 AM
Thanx , I'll see hw 2day goes :-/

04-04-2013, 07:03 AM
I m on a cbt course as well

It s normally 20 sessions I ve done about 14 I think and still anxious and worried about my health
The only change is that I ve not been to A&E for 4 months because I m 2scared 2go there and find out that I ve a serious illness
I suppose it s not the cbt or any other course that will cure ur anxiety
It s u and only u who can pull ur self out of it
I no it s very hard as I say the same 2 my self but I m struggling 2do it

04-04-2013, 07:41 AM
I m on a cbt course as well

It s normally 20 sessions I ve done about 14 I think and still anxious and worried about my health
The only change is that I ve not been to A&E for 4 months because I m 2scared 2go there and find out that I ve a serious illness
I suppose it s not the cbt or any other course that will cure ur anxiety
It s u and only u who can pull ur self out of it
I no it s very hard as I say the same 2 my self but I m struggling 2do it

I think I'm allowed longer but app I have 6 sessions with a trainee then I have to go bak to my doctor to get referred agen ... Thinking ov just cancelling the 5 ( the 1st one y/day was my Phsycologist handing me over ) as dnt see the point and dnt wan keep seeing diff pple as that doesn't help ....