View Full Version : need help diagnosing my problem

04-02-2013, 03:20 PM
Hey all

my problem started over two years ago when i was hit with major anxiety
about a year/year and a half after my anxiety died down but i was hit with depression
ever since then i have had depression, come and go, no patterns or anything, just totally random
could not have it for a couple of months, then it could come for a week or 2 then go

recently my depression came back last night around midnight just as i was getting into bed, which made it really hard for me to get to sleep
i lay in bed and just wanted to cry :/

was wondering if anyone had any ideas that could help me
please ask for more information if needed, id be happy to give it


04-02-2013, 03:42 PM
Do you live where to sun shines much, much less in winter? SAD maybe(http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/seasonal-affective-disorder/DS00195). Alankay

04-02-2013, 03:54 PM
What was the cause of your anxiety? Did something traumatic or frightening happen? Try and see when and why this was brought on. A lot of times, sudden depression is caused by past memories that are hidden within our subconscious mind. We may not necessarily be thinking of these memories all the time. Often, repressed memories are expressed in the way we act and feel. They mold our minds to perceive life in a certain way. Find the cause and go from there.

04-02-2013, 04:11 PM
Im from the united kingdom so the weather is poor but i still got the depression through the last summer so i wouldnt have said it was that

my anxiety started around the time when i got my girlfriend pregnant by accident and she aborted the child
plus my older brother was taken into hospital near the same time as the abortion
i understand what your saying but i dont really think about these things anymore, my brother is alot better now and im not with the girl that aborted the child anymore
