View Full Version : Overcoming anxiety completely

04-02-2013, 10:50 AM
So I've been wondering if that's even possible, I'm not feeling negative or anything to be saying that it looks impossible but it does seem like it, I've had anxiety for since I can remember and 4 years ago I developed depersonalization because of it, the thing is I overcame depersonalization but the anxiety didn't get any better, I still have it pretty much at the same level and rate, it just doesn't seem to make any sense... has anyone here recovered completely from something that was developed through anxiety such as depersonalization? If you did, have you been feeling any less anxious?

04-02-2013, 11:20 AM
I (thought) I had pretty much beat it for a span of 3 months with a combination of therapy and medication, but of course it came back.

I don't think I'll ever completely overcome anxiety, but I'll have good spans and bad spans back and forth.

04-02-2013, 11:33 AM
I think being completely cured is realitive. I think Im as cured as I will probably ever be and this life is just fine with me. Im not sure there is getting back to a pre anxiety state of mind. We are all kind of wired just a little different than most.

If someone feels they are completely who they were prior to anxiety, that is awesome

It wouldnt surprise me if not too far off in the future, someone will develop the cure for this disorder and hopefully many others.

04-02-2013, 11:34 AM
Yeah I guess that's how it goes for everybody, and it's not that bad if things are going well, guess I just have to work on keeping things the good way

04-02-2013, 11:35 AM
It wouldnt surprise me if not too far off in the future, someone will develop the cure for this disorder and hopefully many others.

Now that would be extremely awesome :)

04-02-2013, 06:07 PM
Yes I did it. I do not get panic attacks anymore and I do not have an anxiety disorder anymore.

But healing ALL anxiety, isn't that kind of saying can you heal all fear? The fight or flight system is there for a reason and is biologically built into us. The problem is if you have anxiety DISORDER where it happens so much it disrupts your life and the anxiety is misplaced and there is no real threat. I don't think we have to be perfect as all life is a work in progress. It is normal to freak out once in a while, and get scared or even mistake harmless symptoms as disease. But I do not have an anxiety disorder anymore where it affects my life at all. I do whatever I want and wherever I want and the anxiety days are far behind me. But it doesn't mean I can't get anxiety or be scared sometimes. We are all human. Remember before you had anxiety how you had anxiety once in a while but your life was kind of normal? I think it's like that. So in closing, yes there is hope and you can get there if you allow yourself to.

04-03-2013, 04:04 AM
Yes I did it. I do not get panic attacks anymore and I do not have an anxiety disorder anymore.

But healing ALL anxiety, isn't that kind of saying can you heal all fear? The fight or flight system is there for a reason and is biologically built into us. The problem is if you have anxiety DISORDER where it happens so much it disrupts your life and the anxiety is misplaced and there is no real threat. I don't think we have to be perfect as all life is a work in progress. It is normal to freak out once in a while, and get scared or even mistake harmless symptoms as disease. But I do not have an anxiety disorder anymore where it affects my life at all. I do whatever I want and wherever I want and the anxiety days are far behind me. But it doesn't mean I can't get anxiety or be scared sometimes. We are all human. Remember before you had anxiety how you had anxiety once in a while but your life was kind of normal? I think it's like that. So in closing, yes there is hope and you can get there if you allow yourself to.

I can't remember how it used to be before because there was no before, I've had it for all my life sadly