View Full Version : Vitamin or supplement
04-02-2013, 07:33 AM
Does anyone know of a good vitamin or supplement that would help with anxiety, energy, EXTREEM FATIGUE AND MUSCLE JOINT ACHES so sick of feeling this way. Please help! Not good with drinks or teas
04-02-2013, 01:36 PM
I take omega 3 & magnesium
Magnesium is meant to work wonders
Rhodiola, holy basil and 5HTP are usually the ones "prescribed" to anxiety sufferers. But also just eating healthier, cutting out sugars and caffeines as well as 30minutes of exercise a day are great for the mind, body and spirit. Good luck!
04-02-2013, 02:57 PM
I take a good whole foods multivitamin, liquid fish oil, and a calcium/magnesium/vitamin d3 supplement. You always want to eat very well, no caffeine. Also make sure you get out in the sun and go for a walk or run and do yoga!
04-02-2013, 06:00 PM
Doesn't Rhodiola have stimulant qualities?
I say no B Vitamin supplements until your anxiety is better because they can stimulate the nerves.
Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed hands down is the most complete herbal remedy. You can buy it here:
Magnesium Glycinate, Chamomile tea, and others to just get your nerves healed and keep you calm. I like a chamomile/ lavender blend. You can buy that. You don't just want to be doped up, but you want to heal your over active nervous system. Vit D3, and sun exposure. Not too much but just the right amount. Gaba, 5 HTP, Suntheanine, may be something to look into.
04-02-2013, 09:34 PM
Calcium, magnesium and zinc with Vit D3 and I take Omega 3 and also Niacinamide 500 mg.
04-02-2013, 10:08 PM
A good multi, magnesium, vitamin d, fish oil, vitamin c. All of those should be taken daily. Holy basil and Gaba are two supplements that are supposed to do wonders for anxiety. I would try the Holy Basil.
Have you had your Vitamin D level tested?
04-02-2013, 11:31 PM
High doses of niacin-flush (1000mg/ twice a day) and magnesium taurate 250 mg 3x a day works wonders for me :), (iv read promising research and proof that niacin and magnesium can help with anxiety and depression) also add fishoil, and b complex :) plus high dose of VIT. C
Daily 30-min yoga, small frequent balanced diet with majority of fruits and veggies, no bad carbs, sweets. It sounds hard but anyone suffering from this would Do anything to eliminate/lessen thoughts and feelings of fear and anxiety. WE CAN DO THIS!
Had my first anxiety attack feb 19,2013. No meds or therapy at the moment just eliminted booze, caffeiene, junkfoods and living healthier. I feel much better, getting my life back w/ lesser anxiety and zero depression.
04-03-2013, 09:22 AM
Do you have a regular sleep schedule? Are you eating healthy? Exercising? I know these are basic questions, but they REALLY help to get you regulated. I know with my anxiety...everything gets so out-of-whack and the benzos just never helped.
My husband is a pharmacist (PharmD.) and put me on Valerian Root and had me start melatonin. If you're not in the States, like Australia, I know melatonin is not sold OTC (weird).
Then just trying to be really disciplined about bedroom hygiene (no eating, drinking, watching tv in bed, ect.) can be a big help. When I get bad panic attacks in the middle of night, I try taking a shower, journaling, (I just starting coming on this forum), screaming-in-a-pillow, making lists, finding crafts on pinterest.
Some things I would NOT recommend: looking at facebook, drinking alcohol, drinking coffee or caffeine throughout the day, using food as an escape, zoning out while watching tv.....
It's STILL gonna happen, but maybe you'll find tricks to ease the pain of it? Good luck and thinking of you :)
04-03-2013, 09:31 AM
And just to explain myself a little further, I was tired ALL the time and constantly taking NSAID's like Ibuprofen, for body ache's until my stomach couldn't take it fact, I ended up with bleeding ulcers!!!! On top of which, I was SUPER anxious!!!!
The valerian root is similar to a benzo, but not as strong--which could keep down some of the anxiety without making you feel drugged, plus it is OTC. The melatonin, is a naturally occurring hormone, which should help you sleep. The idea is to maintain a healthy schedule, diet and routine.....making you feel less exhausted, anxious, pain-free and happy!
04-04-2013, 01:14 AM
Just so you know, I have tried almost every supplement known to man when I was trying to cure my anxiety, and Valerian made me feel like crap. Not like a Benzo. I mean felt awful. I read it has mixed effects on certain people. Some love it and some hate it. It made me feel bad. It won't hurt you, but it may or may not feel good for you. Read my Supplement sticky at the top.
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