View Full Version : Any good resource to learn CBT?

04-02-2013, 06:43 AM
Basically I overcame my panic attacks so I don't get them anymore - problem is, however, that due to how much I hate derealization (which is my main symptom of anxiety), I worry about it all-the-time... From the moment I wake up, I check my state like every 30 seconds to see if everything seems normal or not. Thus: is there any good resource to learn CBT (I believe that's what they call the technique to simply push aside all the bad thoughts and not obsess them over and over?) so that I can learn to not check my environment all the time and not worry about the derealization as it only makes it worse?

04-02-2013, 06:55 AM
Try "attacking anxiety and depression" audio tapes by lucinda bassett. Its a 16 week course and you do it for like half hour-45 mins 3 days a week to help you learn new positive thought patterns that would hopefully get you out of your negative and constant derealization thoughts. Or see a CBT therapist that specializes in mood disorders to help you do the same thing and rewire your brain in a new way. Good luck!! I'm a total believer in CBT :)