View Full Version : Worst P.A. EVER!!!!!

04-02-2013, 04:39 AM
I haven't been here in a while, been doing absolutely fantastic. Busy spring cleaning, new job interviews just going great.
Last night sitting here completely relaxed competing with my hubby watching family feud and BAM......worst panic attack ever!
Worse then the first one I ever had. Ungodly heat started at my feet and rose up to my face, skin felt like it was actually burning. Shaking out of control, heart racing, hands numb, vision screwed up and shooting pain through my temples.

I actually started to wonder if it was a panic attack or a stroke or something. I took a klonopin and laid down and figured I would know one way or another.
After 10 years of dealing with this I still don't understand what triggers it.
What makes these hit out of the blue when just seemingly relaxing with the family.

I am about at my wits end. If I start a new job and this happens I am afraid I will lose the job.

04-02-2013, 05:08 AM
Various things can make that happen, change in meds, any stress that's there but it might be just likely the prospect of a new job BUT you have the klonopin to lean on until you get acclimated. I go through the same with new jobs. Alankay

04-02-2013, 07:11 AM
Various things can make that happen, change in meds, any stress that's there but it might be just likely the prospect of a new job BUT you have the klonopin to lean on until you get acclimated. I go through the same with new jobs. Alankay

I love how Alankay signs each post like "you've been alankayed". Great confidence

The worst one I ever had I was laying in bed and I felt my heart go thud and I sat up and was scared to death. Went and drank a bunch of wine to settle down. Left for vacation the next day and it was the worse week of my life. Just feared feeling that way so much that I really just worried and felt sick to my stomach the whole time and completely screwed up everyone else's time.

And it all goes back to the same thing. Had I known then that the heartpalipitations were from my shallow breathing and not just out of the blue, I wo
Uld of just stopped shallow breathing like I do now and it goes away and doesn't scare me.

You may or. May not ever stop getting those feelings. I get them all the time but they just don't scare me a bit anymore so they don't ever develop into a panic attack

Remember your anxiety is trying to trick you there is danger with the absence of a real cause. That is what it does. Wants us to think irrationally and we often do. You will break that cycle. Just depends how fast you can grasp that the feeling is uncomfortable but in no way dangerous

Stay well