View Full Version : A small victory :)

04-01-2013, 08:14 PM
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a small victory I had over the past two weeks in hope that it will help inspire others!

First some background: I am in recovery from agoraphobia, so going places that I either have never been before, or places that are significantly far away from my house still remains a challenge. However I have a warrior spirit, so I will continue to rush headlong to overcome!

So the story: Last week, I went with one of my best friends to Philadelphia for the weekend. I have never been there before, so I was pretty anxious. I did my pep talking before hand and stuffed my overnight bag with emergency Klonopin. (I take it as needed to take the edge of sudden panic symptoms, not as a regular regimen). I was pretty pleased as I felt pretty good on the drive down. I was even surprised that I didn't feel anxious when we got to my friend's brothers' house (where we were staying). After we got there, my friend and I walked to a nearby cafe for dinner. I started I started to feel anxious because it was a small and crowded cafe with loud music. I didn't want to rely on my Klonopin yet since I was so pumped that I managed to NOT feel any anxiety up until that point. It helped and I managed to calm the anxiety and have a great rest of the night. In the morning though I woke up with some nasty anxiety, so I caved and popped the Klonopin after breakfast. I think it was a good decision because I managed to enjoy the rest of my weekend anxiety free. I even managed to take the subway! Kicking ass one day at a time :)