View Full Version : Attacking Anxiety and Depression audio tapes

04-01-2013, 07:51 PM
Has anyone tried the 16 week audio course "Attacking Anxiety and Depression" by Lucinda Bassett? I opted to forgo meds but spoke to my new (and much improved) therapist who put me on a regimen of natural holy basil and 5HTP pills every day along with the audio. I'm on week 2 and actually feel somewhat improved. It's all cognitive based and helps you get outside yourself and gain perspective instead of feeling trapped and tortured in your mind, with ruminating thoughts feeling paralyzed and hopeless. Its about 45 minutes a day and I was apprehensive about trying it because I thought it was gonna be boring but it was actually pretty interesting and insightful. Not the boring college professor I thought it was gonna be. I'm so sick of feeling anxious and worried all the time, and have tried everything except real med meds, so I'm glad to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel with this finally. Hopefully it lasts though. I'm feeling like this is my last resort before I resort to medication so I'm crossing fingers but feeling hopeful (for a change) :)