View Full Version : Anxiety or Illness

07-12-2007, 01:45 AM
My story is quite long so I will keep it short. Im wondering if I do suffer from anxiety?

One thing I hate is hospitals. Generally In life I am a negative person, I always fear the worst regarding my health, or I will avoid certain situations with people. I will avoid certain places or park a certain way because I feel people are judging and looking at me or that if I dont park a certain way, something bad will happen.

Anyway I have always had thrush, so yesterday I went to the doctors because it was worrying me sick, and I have a blood test next week for Diabetes. He also tested my Blood pressure and it is slightly high but of no concern.

This all came about because about two weeks ago, I noticed a nerve in my arm started flickering and then I got pins and needles which caused me to worry. Of course I looked on the web and it came up with all sorts of diseases. Of course looking at the site I have all the symptoms listed.

As well as this I have a Ulcer on the inside of my lip, that will not go. I got the ulcer becuase I bit the inside of lip somehow, and then did it again 2-3 days later. Of course this is not healing as quickly as it should so I looked on the web and I have all the symptoms of lip cancer. Since I was a smoker at the time, this made the situation worse.

So now Im worrying about Diabetes, heart condition, lip cancer etc... and on top of this,

Last night I had a terrible nights sleep. I could feel my heart racing, and I could also feel the heart beat in my hands which is horrible. Of course the more I thought about it the worse it got. Last night I thought I was going to die.

This morning when I woke up I lay on the couch and my heart was still racing. After talking to my girlfriend I calmed down a little and at the moment I feel ok apart from a small pulsing in my right leg feels like my heart is pumping blood, and feeling a pulse in my hands.

I am wondering if I am suffering from anxiety and I am just thinking far too deeply about things?
I am also giving up smoking at the same time and wondering if this is having an affect?
I am also being overloaded with work, which is making me feel as though I cannot cope?

Or am I just using anxiety as an excuse?

07-15-2007, 07:36 AM
Your Story sounds like it's definately Anxiety.

I've had these symptonms for quite a while without even knowing caus I thought I was just unfit or something like that so didn't really look into it any further.

The time I found out I had anxiety was one particular Sunday night where I was feeling cr@p really! I started with the heart speeding up but couldn't work out why and it was getting harder & harder. Eventually this escalated into a serious attack & by this time I was on my way to hospital caus I thought there was something seriously wrong with me.

After all the tests that were done they said that medically i'm sound! Nothing wrong with the heart and they said I had an really bad Anxiety attack.

The only problem is now that even though the doctors have told me everythings fine I keep thinking otherwise. Anxiety is on and off for me but it generally kicks in the day after a drinking session the night before.

I would see the doctors about it though just to make sure and they might be able to help you work out what's triggering the Anxiety / Panic.

07-16-2007, 10:54 AM
Today was the worst day I have had. For the last couple of days I have been suffering from indigestion. The thought that it is indigestion has only occured today and now I am calming down, Of course some of this is pain is around the heart area, so as you do, you think you have a heart problem.

And over the last few days, I have also for some reason become really light headed and felt 100% exhausted for no reason whatsoever. I have also been getting slight headaches and feeling achey all over.

Today I nearly admitted myself to hospital because of the indigestion and feeling exhausted, until I spoke to a another person @ work and calmed me down. Now I have started to put things in to perspective.

Anxiety is bloody horrible, and if your not careful it can push you over the edge.

I have bad stress therefore I have anxiety
I am getting indigestion because I have anxiety
I am getting exhausted because I have anxiety
I am getting aches and pains because I am exhausted and I have anxiety.
I am also quitting smoking so, again I feel crap which is adding to my anxiety.
I have had an ulcer for two weeks on the inside of my lip, this is becuase I am run down and have anxiety. When I feel better this should go.

Before all this happend, I have slowly been getting stressed at work, trying to diet, stop smoking etc and its all got on top.