View Full Version : Stomach issues

04-01-2013, 03:29 PM
Hey. I recently got an endoscopy done and they found a Little hernia where I guess my stomach is part of my esophagus or something? I don't know. But I'm kinda freaking out. He gave me Prevacid for 2 months and it should get better. I never had acid reflux or heart Burn but after getting the stomach bug, I guess my stomach was producing too much acid like he said so I'm on proton pump inhibitors for 2 months. Have any of y'all been through this or have acid reflux? Has it been really bad for y'all? Any remedies I should be following?
I'm a 22 year old girl 99 lbs and I eat pretty healthy and I'm active. How could I have gotten a hernia l? The word scares me. I have no pain just sometimes it's hard to take a deep breath, that's all tr symptoms I have nothing else. :(

04-01-2013, 10:01 PM
I do know people get / have hernias all the time and don't ever know it. Usually not a big deal. Most OTC meds will usually take care of em. I wouldn't worry about it much unless its causing you great pain or other problems. Even then there are easy fixes for most. I know a girl who had like 3 taken out during her C-section and didn't ever know she had them.

04-01-2013, 10:03 PM
And yes stomach issues and anxiety are brother and sisters. I take Prilosec daily and it keeps most my issues at bay.

04-02-2013, 03:12 AM
Hey. I recently got an endoscopy done and they found a Little hernia where I guess my stomach is part of my esophagus or something? I don't know. But I'm kinda freaking out. He gave me Prevacid for 2 months and it should get better. I never had acid reflux or heart Burn but after getting the stomach bug, I guess my stomach was producing too much acid like he said so I'm on proton pump inhibitors for 2 months. Have any of y'all been through this or have acid reflux? Has it been really bad for y'all? Any remedies I should be following?
I'm a 22 year old girl 99 lbs and I eat pretty healthy and I'm active. How could I have gotten a hernia l? The word scares me. I have no pain just sometimes it's hard to take a deep breath, that's all tr symptoms I have nothing else. :(

Hi , i have had stomach issues since Dec 2011, cramps, heartburn, constipation, a lump under my right rib. I had an endoscope Feb just gone and it took me that long to have it done because i was scared of the results. They also thought i had a hernia but they couldnt find anything. I still have all these problems and they dont know why im like this . In a way it would have been easier for me to say i had a hernia so it could be treated. I have weaned myself off all medication and tried to control it with diet. A hernia could happen for any reason.

The world scares me alot, i hate illness i cant cope with diseases i stress all the time. It could just be one of those things. Continue to take the medication the doc has given you and you should start to feel better soon.

Take care x