View Full Version : Prozac making me more anxious...

04-01-2013, 01:39 PM
I used to take 20mg of Paxil and went down to 10mg for a while before switching to Prozac. I managed well on Paxil, the only downfalls I had were the weight gain and it made me tired. Not to the point where I was always sleeping, I still did normally every day tasks and worked. My dr has since switched me to Prozac and I feel like I have a LOT of nervous energy in me. No matter what I do to get rid of the energy it's still there?!?! It's driving me insane as my health anxiety feels constantly triggered by the increased heart rate feeling. I don't recall feeling this way ever on Paxil?

I also love to drink tea and I find I can only consume 1 a day in the morning in order to sleep properly at night. Last night I had a tea at about 9pm and went to bed at 11 only to take up just before 1am in a night sweat. It's frustrating and makes me worry even more than I already do.

Just needed to get that out of my mind.

04-01-2013, 04:25 PM
Yep, prozac is an "activating" ssri and made me anxious for a while. I had some extra valium rx'd to cover the one flare up I did have when I resumed it after being off it for a couple years. This will pass. Alankay

04-01-2013, 04:59 PM
I've been on Prozac since December.... How much longer till it fades?

04-01-2013, 05:02 PM
Well mine was just a few days about a month after I restarted it. Maybe it's not for you. Anyway at this point if it was the prozac I think it should have faded. You are at 20mg? Alankay

04-01-2013, 05:06 PM
I'm only on 10mg

04-01-2013, 05:59 PM
Prozac did the same to me OBAAT. Alan is bang on the money when he says it's 'activating'. I couldn't sleep on it, my hypochondria was severe, panic attacks were much worse. Made me ache to high heaven too! I gave it 6 weeks, didn't see what I wanted to, and went off of it.

It could possibly turn around and help you out. Give it an 6-8 week period (which it sounds like you have) as it's more than enough time to see. If not, roll the dice again and find something you like.

Is prozac your first med? It can be tough to differentiate what is a side effect, and what is heightened anxiety from taking a new tablet.

04-01-2013, 06:15 PM
Prozac did the same to me OBAAT. Alan is bang on the money when he says it's 'activating'. I couldn't sleep on it, my hypochondria was severe, panic attacks were much worse. Made me ache to high heaven too! I gave it 6 weeks, didn't see what I wanted to, and went off of it.

It could possibly turn around and help you out. Give it an 6-8 week period (which it sounds like you have) as it's more than enough time to see. If not, roll the dice again and find something you like.

Is prozac your first med? It can be tough to differentiate what is a side effect, and what is heightened anxiety from taking a new tablet.

I used to be on Paxil and once that was in my system fully, i felt pretty good. Prozac has been 10mg since December and I just figured the extra energy would fade but it hasn't and I feel it's getting a bit worse. I told my dr but she doesn't think it's the Prozac.