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07-11-2007, 09:37 AM
Hi my name is Andrew I have had anxiety for many years I am 38 years old. I had my first panic attck when I was 16 I can count the number I have had on 1 hand in 20 years. Normally when I feel the anxiety start I will do all I can to devert my attention to other things or go to my doc and switch medicines. Even through all the good years I have eppisodes of anxiety. (Driving a long distance by myself) (Being at home overnight by myself) those really will trigure the uneasy feelings. However starting in May this year I found out my wife had a teacher retreat to go to and well I think it started a chain of events. Knowing that I would have my 3 kids and be by myself for the weekend was frightning. My mother-n-law came and stayed but leading up to it she still wasn't my safe person my wife was. Well I eneded up doing great had a lot of fun with my kids so I thought all was well. NOT! the anxiety was still there rapid heat beat, confusion, tingly arms and legs the whole 9 yards. I switched my med from Lexipro back to Zoloft which I had done really well on for a long time. I am in my 4th week my first week of my normal dosage and still really struggling with bad thoughts and fear of having heart problems or losing my mind. I started see a therapist about a month ago she seems to think I am doing fine I have been doing alot of studying and research on the matter. Key thing is I have been having a real struggle getting to calm myself down with my breathing and other techniques. I am sorry this si so long but just wanted to tell it all to see if anyone could give me any extra advice. Like today I woke up this morning heart beating fast feeling uneasy and not wanting to head into work. Well as you all know nothing will ever happen to you you will not go crazy, lose control, die all that stuff. However it is a dang terrible feeling to feel like this. Dry mouth today racing hear beat, tingly arms, and legs and stomache discomfort. It just has seemed to linger today and will not subside. Any Ideas guys thanks in advance for your help.

PS I am going on vacation next week to the beach and I am already thinking oh no I hope I don't feel like this. I have never had problems on vacation so we will see.

Also I hate to keep going on but this has been by far the lonest stretch of anxiety I have ever had

07-11-2007, 12:14 PM
Hi there Viper,

It does get better, and you know what? A vacation is probably JUST WHAT YOU NEED! You'll hit the beach and feel like a million bucks - you'll be with your family I presume? The trick to anxiety is to not give it too much power. That's the best advise I've received. When you're thinking about why you're having anxiety, or what your meds are doing to you, etc...your anxiety just builds and builds, subconsiously it gets worse. So the next time you're worried, or feel an attack coming on, chill out - breathing techniques help, and try to distract yourself and say "I am not going to let this ruin my day, night, evening, vacation etc" And you're then removing it's power over you. I've been on Cipralex for general Anxiety and panic attacks, and it's helped me a lot. I still have rough times, but I'm trying to just not GIVE IT TOO MUCH POWER.

07-12-2007, 09:12 AM
I have found that the breathing technique slow my heart rate back down and eventually helps me relax. I am so glad I found this forum love reading all the info.