View Full Version : Thoughts

03-31-2013, 04:18 PM
Just recently, my anxiety has returned a little due to recent events. It's nothing severe or anything, but it isn't exactly pleasant either. Mostly I've just had a lot of thoughts, about things that I don't want to do, nor would ever consider doing, but my brain seems to have decided that these are actually true. When they come into my head, I just say "no", to myself, hoping they go away, but I know this isn't really a healthy way of dealing with it. Is it better to just let them run through my head, will that help to slowly clear them away.

03-31-2013, 06:13 PM
Hi. Thoughts seem to affect me pretty badly at times. They are usually about me being some kind of bad person or doing stupid things. Before I came to this forum I argued with them a lot and always tried to find reasons against them being true. As I learn more about this condition, I've discovered its best to just ignore them. Recently I have read some posts from the forum members here and I have had many sessions with a therapist, and actually by taking on the advice of everyone and by leaving my mind open, I have started to feel a bit more peaceful.

I also take a low dose of SSRI to help ease them. I am feeling much better that before by doing it. Hopeyou feel better soon.

04-01-2013, 02:04 AM
Each person has their own ways of dealing and making it work for theirselves. A lot of good advice here on the forums. More than you would get from anyone else as the people here all understand what we are going through. I personally have benefited from the forum and the people. I was having a really rough time a few months ago and after talking to people on here I am doing a lot better. Find your own way, not sure there is a wrong way.

04-01-2013, 05:44 AM
Might help sure. It's just a way or stopping yourself, and saying "No need to worry more, it's just a bit of anxiety and I know I'll feel abit from time to time and it nothing more than that". Alankay